
96 9 3

Word count: 2997


Lance had been skipping pebbles across the lake that him and Keith had stumbled upon on their journey.

They named the place 'Anywhere.'

"I can't believe it..." Keith said, having taken in Lance's explanation about the different ranks and how life outside the palace is.

"You really didn't know?" Lance asked, a badly hidden look of disbelief on his face.

Keith shook his head no and reached out to take a pebble from the pile that Lance had made. He threw it clumsily into the water and frowned when it made a small splash and sunk.

Lance stiffled a laugh.

"You're doing it all wrong." he said matter of factly.

Keith stuck his tongue out at the brunette and took another pebble, trying a different technique this time but still ending up with the same result.

Lance shook his head and shuffled closer, he took a pebble and held it correctly in his hand.

"You hold it like this, you just want to skim the waterline. Don't throw it in, throw it across, like you would throw a frisbee." he said before demonstrating, Keith watching his every movement closely. He got five skips before the pebble sunk.

Keith nodded and took yet another pebble. He held it as Lance instructed him, his tongue poking out of the corner of his mouth in concentration, which Lance definitely did not find adorable. Definitely not.

He threw the pebble, trying to copy Lance and watched as it skipped twice before sinking.

His face lit up and he turned to Lance with a grin.

Lance smiled and held a thumbs up.

"See. You did it. You learn something new every day as my father would say." he said softly, throwing another and getting four skips. He grew sad at the mention of his father, the news that he wanted to send him away still fresh on his mind, though he still didn't quite believe it.

Lance saw Keith's facial expression morph into one of confusion from his peripheral vision.

"What's a friz-beee?" he asked, overpronunciating the unfamiliar word.

Lance deadpanned.

"You're kidding me right?"

Keith shook his head.

"You've never played with a frisbee?" he asked, disbelief on his face once again.

"I never really had things to play with in the palace, I grew up with my imagination." he said, thinking back to his bleak and boring childhood.

Lance frowned. He was going to find a frisbee for Keith. He was determined.

"Wow... That must get pretty lonely." Lance said quietly, dropping the pebble he had picked up.

Keith shrugged.

"Yeah... I hate it in that stupid palace. I don't have any friends apart from Shiro and Coran." He said with a frown.

Lance turned to face him and shook his head.

"That's not true."

Keith raised an eyebrow.

"It isn't?"

Lance shook his head again and smiled.

"Of course not, I'm your friend." he said gently.

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