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They were only fifteen minutes into their journey and already Keith wanted to lay on the ground and have Neighma stamp on his head.

"Chocolate chip cookies are obviously better Allura. How could you ever think otherwise?" Hunk said from somewhere behind him.

"I beg to differ! Raisin cookies have always been widely loved in my family." She said from right behind Keith as they only had two horses.

Pidge, who was still riding with Hunk, made a noise like they were being sick.

"No, no, no. Raisin cookies are the vermin of all cookies." Hunk retorted, obvious disgust in his voice.

Keith groaned.

"Well not to be rude or anything but you're wrong." Allura said, getting louder now.

"Um no, I'm not. Pidge tell her!"

"Sorry Lu but he's right." Pidge joined in.

"I refuse to believe it. Just because you two like chocolate chip that doesn't mean that it's the best."

"Lance likes chocolate chip too." Hunk grumbled.

Keith felt his shoulders tense. Everything went silent.

Another five minutes of pure, awkward nothingness and the team had to make their first stop. It was all going fine despite the lack of stimulating conversation, until Allura suddenly noticed Keith's knuckles turn white against Neighma's reigns.

"Keith? Are you alright?" She asked, her soft and usually calming tone making itself known once she realised something was wrong. 

The prince stayed silent, not yet wanting to voice his thoughts as he dismounted Neighma quickly, walking over to a small bag seemingly thrown carelessly to the side of the road. A small bag that looks scarily similar to the one Lance was wearing yesterday.

He picked it up carefully, the sharp pain that Keith had felt in his bedroom just a couple hours prior returning just as intense. He cried out and clutched at his head with one hand, the other gripping what he now knew was Lance's bag tightly to his chest. He didn't know how he knew, it just was.

"Keith!? What is it?" He heard Hunk saying from behind him but he couldn't answer.

Keith could only describe the pain as a white hot burning sensation. His head felt like it was splitting in two and once again his whole body rippled with a dull ache. He fell to his knees this time as he groaned, the abruptness of the pain shocking him more than the pain itself.

It took twenty more seconds for the ordeal to cease and by that time all three of his fellow travellers were at his side, trying to figure out what had happened. Keith took in a deep breath. His vision had gone blurry from the tremendous effort of trying not to audibly show he was in pain. He blinked his eyes a few times, wanting to know what was going on just as much as they did.

Why had this suddenly started happening to him?

"I'm okay guys, thank you." He said, his voice hoarse as his throat suddenly felt very dry.

As if he could tell exactly what he was thinking, a water bottle was thrust into his free hand by Hunk and the ravenette took it graciously, taking three large gulps and feeling the cool water slip down his throat. 

"Have you got any medical conditions we should know about?" Allura asked and Keith was surprised to see that even Pidge looked mildly concerned for him.

"No, I haven't. This only started recently..." he said thoughtfully.

He took the hand that Hunk had offered him and stood up slowly. He glanced down at Lance's bag, which he could already tell was empty and sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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