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You are probably pretty confused, well at least I know I am.
Well, today is almost tomorrow and tomorrow is almost my present, I will look back on tomorrow because on the day after tomorrow, it would be yesterday and yesterday is the past.

Days are like loops, noon will always be noon, midnight will always be midnight and it's like that every day. I will always be me and you will always be you, tomorrow won't change that. Tomorrow is now today and I sit here and ponder what might occur, will the days of my past amount to anything or are they subtracting from a future. Am I stepping on bombs, that could go off as a result and damage a future. Am I one button away from the subtitle self destruct button, that looks just like the rest or world abomination. It's really weird living in this nation, all while the world falls apart. What if I'm just living in my head, every good or bad thing is just because of a wild imagination. What if we are all just bombs, set to go off at different times to destroy our surroundings. And if we are, when one goes off it will cause another to go off like a domino effect.

I feel crazy and I probably am, but today is almost tomorrow and tomorrow will soon be yesterday, so I will take this time as it comes with hope that it will amount to something great. So if you're reading this you're probably confused but that's okay

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