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I'm sorry if i ever hurt you, I know it sucks sometimes
Lately I've been thinking of what I do and say when I feel hurt. I lash out at others because I feel like I can't control anything. If there's one thing in my life that I wish I could have it's control. Isn't it funny that I wish I could control the fact that I don't have much control. I'm like the passenger in my life, I don't get to choose left or right. Heck I don't even get to choose the destination. And life is a long drive, I get motion sickness in the back seat. And in life, I get sick of not having control.

So lately I've been thinking of what I do or say when I feel hurt, and how I lose control sometimes. And I might not know my destination... but I do know one thing and that is, I will gain control, I will choose left or right, flight or fight, wrong or right. But along the way if I ever hurt you, I know it sucks and I'm sorry.

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