I Don't Even Know

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"Okay, so Derek is having his shave and hair cut, Can you and Isaac take Tobias to buy him some clothes? Or something?" Stiles asks as they wait outside for Derek to finish, they were sitting in a food booth.

"What? We don't have any money" Scott hisses to him, glancing at Tobias who's head is resting against the wall, he can smell 'Sad' rolling off of him, it smelled like old newspapers and Scott definitely did not like the smell of that.

"Tobias does, just...come on, please? I really want to know Derek a bit more without people following us around..." Stiles grumbles, Isaac lets out a cough to cover up his giggle.

"Fiiiiiine" Scott groans and stands up, "Let's go" He says, nodding at Isaac to follow him before walking off to Tobias who's head snaps up, his eyes widening and both Scott and Isaac is hit with the smell of burning wood: Fear.

"Hey, Tobias" Scott smiles, welcoming, "You wanted to buy clothes, right?"

Tobias nods, "I- Yes, I saved enough...money..." He whispers, looking down quickly.

"Well then lead along, Alpha" Scott tries joking but Tobias snaps his head up, his eyes wide.

"Please don't call me that" Tobias whimpers, his eyes flashing red for a split second.

Isaac frowns deeply and Scott nods, "I'm sorry, I didn't-"

"It's okay" Tobias says quickly, "C-Can we go buy clothes now?"

Isaac quickly puts a smile on his face and an arm around Tobias, ever since he got the bite he was feeling much...much stronger, braver, tougher..Better. He also found out the stench of fear and anxiety filled Tobias, he was sure that if he still stayed with his father, he would reek of the same thing.

"So, you like buying clothes, huh?" Isaac says, smiling softly, aware of how Scott looks at him in surprise (for starting the conversation).

"I-Yes, It's...the one thing they allowed me to do" Tobias mumbles, rubbing his wrist.

Isaac hums and nods his head, "I understand that" He whispers.

"May...May I ask?" Tobias whispers and looks up at Isaac.

Isaac's eyes flash gold nervously, causing Tobias to let out a whimper. The sound surprising both Isaac and Scott, "You sound like a puppy" Scott giggles.

Isaac smirks, "You're one to talk Scott, you look like an actual puppy"

"Aww, Thanks!"


"Oh! You're done!" Stiles grins as he see's the back of Derek's head lift up as the guy tells Derek to stand so he can powder him off.

"Yeah" He hears Derek's grunt.

"Awesome, so, how do you loo-" Stiles falters as he steps forward to get a look at Derek, his eyes widening.

"I like it" Derek admits with a growl.

Stiles nods, gulping loudly, "So do I" He says, his face reddening before he goes to pay, walking out with Derek.

"I can smell you" Derek hums softly, trying to keep his face straight.

"Dude, that's kinda creepy..." Stiles laughs, shaking his head.

"I can smell your arousal"

Stiles stops laughing and grumbles, "Well don't"

"Well it's pretty hard to ignore considering that you-"

"Stop" Stiles whines and the next few minutes is filled with awkward and tense silence.

"I didn't mean stop talking, I meant stop talking about how I smell like...how I smell" Stiles huffs, crossing his arms,

Derek allows himself to smirk and shake his head, "That's all we can talk about"

"Wrong. Let's go somewhere to eat and get to know each other, how about that?" Stiles asks hopefully, looking up at Derek with big eyes.

"Like, a date?" Derek asks. Ever since...the fire, he's been cautious of people, of dates. He hated trusting people, even since a young age he's had small trust issues but now it's magnified by ten, but Stiles... there's just something about him that calms Derek, something that says he's safe. Derek is determined to find out.

Stiles's jaw drops open, "How-?"

"I didn't stay in my wolf form my entire life" Derek scoffs.

"Dude! That means you actually like human-stuff then! That means we do have stuff we can talk about!" Stiles laughs, they both walk into a restaurant buzzling with people.

"So, what do you want?" Stiles hums as he pulls out his wallet.

"Whatever you think is good here" Derek huffs as Stiles pulls out a couple of bills, "I'm going to pay you back, alright?"

"What? No, dude it's fine" Stiles laughs calmly, "Besides, it'll probably be a while until you get a job or something"

Derek shakes his head, "I just need to do a couple of paper work and... adult stuff"

"Adult stuff?" Stiles smirks and wiggles his eyebrows.

Derek rolls his eyes, "I'm Derek Hale"

Stiles pauses and Derek can hear his heartbeat accelerate, "Derek...Hale? As in, Hale...Fire?"

Derek tenses slightly before he stiffly nods, "Yes"

"Oh, I am...I am so sorry" Stiles whispers softly, lowering his head.

"It's okay, I....I'm just trying to find the rest of my pack... My Uncle: Peter and I, were the only survivors... A wolf without a pack is...not good" Derek sighs.

"Yeah? What...What about make a pack here? I mean, Isaac and Scott both need an Alpha to help them through their sudden transformation..." Stiles mumbles.

"They have Tobias" Derek huffs, but in the inside he was longing to make them part of his pack, ever since he was a little kid he had dreams and daydreams of becoming an Alpha, now he finally was and...he had no pack.

"Uh, I don't know if you noticed or anything but Tobias isn't exactly the 'Leadership' type, the little dude jumps at his own shadow!" Stiles huffs

"Fine" Derek smiles softly as he watches Stiles order and pay for the food, "Are you going to help me?"

"Help you what?" Stiles hums and Derek quickly goes to carry the tray of food.

"Lead the pack" Derek mumbles.

Stiles shakes his head, chuckling, "Don't worry, I'll keep Scott in line if he starts chewing up socks and shoes"


Blaine watches them from a distance, his eyes narrowed.

Derek found his mate, how cute. How...Perfect.

Blaine lets a smirk grown on his face before running off to report to Titus.

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