So, She's the Witch?

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Isaac, Scott and Stiles widen their eyes at the peck Lydia gave Allison, " guys are...uh, an item?" Scott stutters out.

"Yeah" Lydia raises an eyebrow, "Is there a problem?"

"No," Stiles quickly says. "We just thought you were with Jackass I mean- Jackson, sorry not sorry" Stiles grins at Jackson's glare.

"Whatever, I would insult you but we don't even know your name, so..." Jackson smirks and shrugs.

Stiles narrows his eyes and stands up, Jackson straightens his posture and rolls his shoulders.

"Wanna fight?" Stiles barks, knowing that he won't be able to beat Jackson but then he remembers that he has magic and he grins.

Jackson scoffs, "Did your tiny head forget that I'm a werewolf? I would crush you"

"Yeah? Then I guess you have nothing to worry about" Stiles smirks, clenching and unclenching his fist. Okay, he didn't think everything out...what if he collapses again?

"Enough" Derek snaps, his wolf growling to protect his mate.

Jackson growls but averts his eyes, baring his neck just a tad bit to show submission.

"Dude," Stiles huffs as he glances at Derek, "Not cool. I was totally going to wreck him!"

"Yeah but you might pass out again" Scott points out.

"Hold on, what?" Lydia huffs and narrows her eyes at Stiles, "Tell us everything"

And they did, "....And so, Tobias is now a toddler and Stiles needs to learn to control his powers, the Witch working with the Alpha pack offered but we aren't quite sure if we can trust her" Scott finishes.

"That', " Allison frowns and nods, "That's a lot of stuff"

"Mhm" Lydia hums and nods in agreement, "Well I say we need to hear more about the witch, why does she want to help us?"

"Because the Alphas are assholes?" Isaac offers helpfully.

Tobias gasps and points at Isaac before tugging at Scott's arm, "Papa! Papa! Daddy said a bad word!!"

The entire group (minus Derek and Jackson) giggle at Isaac's guilty face, "Oh you're so cute!" Lydia chuckles.

Tobias tilts his head at her before smiling, "You have pretty hair!"

"I know" Lydia smiles sweetly and Stiles rolls his eyes, "How about this, after we finish having this meeting I'll get you some cake, yes?"

"Donuts and cake?!" Tobias gasps happily, "Just for telling you that your hair is pretty? Yes!!" He cheers and starts jumping around excitedly.

"Are you sure that kid needs more sugar?" Jackson frowns.

"Hey! If I tell you that you have pretty hair would you give me cake?" Stiles asks Jackson who looks at him with a disturbed look.

"What the hell? Of course not"

"Good, I don't want to have to lie for cake" Stiles smirks.

Jackson growls, "Instead of cake, how are you feeling about a knuckle sandwich, Stilinski?" He taunts, stepping closer to Stiles.

"Knuckle Sandwich? What's that? Is it yummy? Does it have a lot of cheese in it? I like cheese!" Tobias beams as he tugs at Jackson's shirt to get his attention, "Can I have one?"

"Don't you dare!" Isaac and Scott both say quickly, Tobias frowns and looks at them, "Ah it's- Knuckle Sandwich is...uhm, a punch to the face" Scott quickly adds and Tobias gasps and looks at Jackson.

"You wanted to punch Uncle Stiles in the face?!" He yelps, Jackson blinked before he slowly nodded, "Carry me! I want to give Uncle Stiles a knuckle sandwich too!" Tobias says and smiles sweetly.

"Wow, even in toddler form he's an asshole," Stiles looks at Scott and Isaac, "What have you been teaching this kid?"

Derek rolls his eyes, "As lovely as this is, we still need to form a plan" He barks and crosses his arms, seriously, what is with Derek and crossing his arms?

"Talk to the witch. Kick the Alpha pack's ass. The End. Plan Done" Stiles says calmly.

"Stiles" Derek growls and Stiles lets out a nervous chuckle, mumbling something under his breath.

"How about this..." Allison pipes up slowly, "We try to meet with the witch and ask her about mentoring Stiles and why she offered to do it, we can ask her about the Alpha pack as well and once we know enough about the alpha pack we can formulate a plan and beat them. Maybe we can make a deal too, if she decides to help us beat the alpha pack, we can let her mentor Stiles"

"Hey! That was like my plan except with more words!" Stiles whines, "And I'm not a plaything, I did not agree with the last bit!"

"I do" A new voice rings out. They all jump and turn to see a girl leaning against one of the pillars, she grins and gives a small wave, "Sup"

Derek growls and his claws and fangs come out quickly, Isaac, Scott and Jackson follow suit while Allison twirls her knives. "Oh calm down, I'm not here to attack you or any of that. Gosh, Werewolves" The girl rolls her eyes and Stiles frowns, there was something oddly familiar about the girl. He's seen the eyes before, but it was on a different face...holy crap.

"You're her" Stiles gasps, "You're the witch"

"Indeed I am, Ta-da" The girl says as she lamely does some jazz hands.

"You don't smell like the witch" Isaac frowns, Tobias was huddled behind both Scott and Isaac, peaking out curiously.

"Well of course I would have to put up a disguise now wouldn't I?" The girl scoffs before waving her hand, the air seemed to shimmer and change around her before suddenly she was the old witch, "Fine, is this better?" the old witch smiles, showing her missing teeth.

"Ew" Jackson shivers and shakes his head, "I think we all prefer your other form, thanks"

The witch rolls her eyes and sure enough she became the girl again, probably 5'6 in height and just around Stiles's age. "This isn't a form, idiot. This is me, my physical self. The old witch was just a shimmer, an illusion"

"But it had a scent" Isaac argues.

"Magic" The girl frowns, "Honestly, are all werewolves likes this?" She asks, looking disappointed.

"I'm afraid so" Lydia jokes, The girl smiles and seems to nod at her....weird.

"Wait, so I'm supposed to be taking lessons from a-what, 16 year old gir?" Stiles asks, confused.

"I'm 18, thanks. And no, You'll be going to a training camp where mages, wizards, sorcerers, etc. are being trained" The girl hums, "It's a cool place, really"

"So... like Hogwarts?" Scott asks slowly, the pack shoots him a 'really?' look.

"Yes! Well, no, Have you seen Doctor Strange? Kind of like that" The girl hums, looking delighted.

"And why do you want to help us? I thought you were working with the Alphas?" Derek growls.

"Easy, I hate them. They mentioned one of Fenrir's children and a spark though and that caught my interested" The girl smirks and kneels down so she's eye-level with Tobias, although she was still a couple feet away. Scott and Isaac growl protectively.

"What's your name?" Stiles asks, "So I can stop referring to you as 'The girl' in my head"

The girl –dammit- looks amused, "You're an interesting one, I can tell. My name is Hecate Leale, but I prefer: Luna"

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