Witch Visit

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Stiles groans softly as he hears a loud and annoying beeping, that's the first thing he noticed. The second thing he noticed was the fact that his body felt incredibly heavy but his head felt relaxed and light, it was... odd, to say the least.

"Stiles!" Scott gasps, shooting his head up from where he was sitting, his puppy eyes wide. "Dude! You're finally awake!" He beams and hurries to Stiles's side. "How-How do you feel?"

"Like I'm a sack of dirt," Stiles frowns, already remembering what happened, "How long was I out?"

"Uhm..well, A long time" Scott admits, Stiles frowns at the vague-ness and Scott quickly adds, "Just know that Isaac and Tobias did your homework for you, they didn't trust me enough to do it"

"Oh my gosh I owe them" Stiles smirks and Scott pouts, Stiles chuckles "Seriously man, how long was I out?"

Scott mumbles something under his breath and Stiles rolls his eyes, "Scotty, I don't have werewolf hearing, remember? Speak up for this poor human"

"4...." Scott grumbles.

"4 Days?!" Stiles gasps and widens his eyes.

"Weeks" Scott grunts out before licking his lips, "Four weeks..."

Stiles bites his tongue to keep from yelling, he instead takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. "Did the Alpha Pack do anything?"

"I just said you were gone for four weeks, that's the first thing that comes into your mind?" Scott raises and eyebrow, "They-yes, they attacked another time but we held them back as best as we could but... My mom knows now" He whispers, "She knows about...Us, Werewolves and...all that"

"This day just can't get any better can it?" Stiles huffs, crossing his arms.

"Scott!" The door is pushed open and Isaac pops his head in, looking panicked.

"We need your h-hel....p" Isaac trails of as he looks at Stiles.

"Well Hello Sunshine" Stiles grins, trying to make it reach his eyes.

"You're-You're awake!!" Isaac beams, a soft pink dusts his cheeks. Stiles was about to laugh and point out the blush before he realized that no--the pink is literally on his cheeks.

"Glitter" Stiles frowns, "What happened?"

"Ah well...uhm, the witch they had attacked...I would say 'Finally' but it's not a good thing so," Isaac shrugs, looking sheepish. Haha, A werewolf...looking sheepish. Wait, are there weresheeps?

Scott groans, "What happened?" He repeats Stiles's question.

"It-It's a bad thing but it's also kind of...cute?" Isaac grins and takes out his old and bruised up phone before showing them the pictures....of Tobias as a toddler.

"Oh...my..." Stiles and Scott both say slowly and softly.

"Total Blackmail material" Stiles grins evily, ignoring a dull throb in his head.

"Wait, but if it's a magic curse and Stiles is magic...can he turn Tobias back?" Scott frowns.

"When is a curse not magic, Scott?" Stiles frowns in confusion.

"I dunno..." Isaac says slowly, a grin on his face as he nudges Scott, "I kind of like Tobias like this, we can actually be Papa and Daddy"

Scott's face flushes a deep red and huffs, Stiles bites his tongue to keep him from saying anything.

"Alright, I'll meet you in a bit" Scott hums, nodding towards the door.

Isaac grins and quickly exits.

"What the hell was that?!" Stiles barks out after Isaac closes the door, he throws his hands up before he realizes that, ow, he should not do that.

"I don't know!!" Scott whines, running his hand through his hair, "He-He's cute and nice and all but- I have a crush on Allison..."

"Oh please" Stiles huffs at his friend, "You haven't talked about Allison in a long time and instead? Guess who you were talking about? I'll give you a hint: His name sounds like "I Suck", and he probably does...if you know what I mean" He wiggles his eyebrows at his puppy-eyes best friend.

"Stiles!!" Scott whines, his eyes flashing a bright yellow.

Stiles just guffaws and shakes his head, "I hate you" Scott pouts before making his way to the door.

"Love you too Scott!" Stiles shouts before Scott slams the door shut.

The moment Scott leaves, Stiles frowns and looks at his hands. "I'm Magic..." He whispers softly, he always knew something was odd about him... everyone knew he was odd but not to this degree.


"How did this happen?!" Derek snarls angrily, his eyes glowing an angry red as he glares at his betas.

Tobias- now a toddler- whimpers and hides behind Isaac's legs, his grip on Isaac's jeans are tight in fear.

"Derek" Scott growls, "You're scaring him"

Derek rolls his eyes and crosses his arms, "Explain" He snaps.

"Tobias and I were hanging out, I wanted to discuss....some of my problems, with him... We were just walking to visit Stiles when we stumbled across the witch," Isaac takes a deep breath, "She told us some things before turning Tobias into...well, a toddler" Isaac huffs.

"What about Stiles? Did she get to him?" Derek growls, his eyebrows furrowing. Sometimes, Isaac is really amazed by what Derek's face can do.

"No," Scott speaks up, "Stiles is fine and...awake, by the way"

Derek blinks and his lips twitch- obviously fighting back a smile, "Good" He nods and looks down at Tobias before back at Scott and Isaac.

"Well he obviously can't fight in this form, does he remember what happened?" Derek huffs, he would never admit it but he was actually quite good with kids. Of course, since his family was quite big he had little siblings and cousins he'd have to entertain, so he'd say he practiced quite a lot of times.

"He doesn't remember" Isaac sighs, "We don't know how long this is going to be going on"

"What did the witch say before turning Tobias?" Scott asks, frowning as he notices Isaac didn't say anything about that.

"She..well, She offered to be the mentor of Stiles..." Isaac whispers, lowering his eyes immediately, "I-She was pretty persuasive and I told her we'd think about it, she's act-" Isaac doesn't get a chance to finish his sentence because Derek stomps closer to him, Isaac flinches and bites back a whimper.

"You-WHAT?!" Derek yells. Scott growls and tries to step in between them.

"I-I'm sorry, she was persuasive! Okay?! She's actually pretty chill and-"

"She's a WITCH!" Derek yells, "Who turned Tobias into a toddler and works with the Alphas! Or did you forget that?" Derek snarls. It's silent and Isaac licks his lips nervously, telling himself not to cry.

"Derek, you can't blame him..." Scott huffs, "Like he said, She was persuasive"

"Persuasive?" Derek scoffs, "More like manipulative"

"Derek" Scott says again, "There are bigger problems than this"

Derek rolls his eyes and bites back a snarl, "Fine. What do we do with Tobias?" He glances at the scared todder.

"Well we were hoping you would let him stay with you..." Isaac says slowly.

"No!" Tobias whines, taking them by surprise, "I don't want to stay with him Daddy! He's scary!"

Derek totally did not smile at that. Nope, he did not.

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