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There was something weird about Tobias, Stiles couldn't put a finger on it. Of course, he felt something was weird with Tobias the first time they –literally- bumped into each other but he thought it was because Tobias was a werewolf and he had hoped that the feeling would go away once they take him in, but it seemed like the feeling only got stronger.

"You know," Scott hums, keeping his eyes glued to the screen. They (Scott and Stiles) decided to have bro-bonding time and sent Isaac, Derek and Tobias off to do something so the two boys could watch some movies. It was Scott's turn to pick and they were watching Lego Batman.

"Know, what?" Stiles asks, some popcorn tumbling out of his mouth.

"I think I've almost forgotten how sucky it was to be human, I had Asthma- And, well, there are things that suck about being a werewolf too, I mean, we have to keep in control, our smell is sharpened which means I can tell that you haven't showered today...." He takes a second to smirk at Stiles who gawks at him.

"Dude! That's gross!" Stiles laughs, "Aww man your poor super doggy nose is probably being murdered everytime we have to go to the locker room after Lacrosse huh? Oh or when anybody farts! Oh my gosh this is gold, this is just giving me more ideas..."

Scott groans and slaps Stiles's shoulder playfully, "Stiles!!" He whines.

Stiles holds up his hands in mock surrender, "Yes Mr. Wolf?" He grins, his eyes wide and seemingly innocent.

"You're a terrible person" Scott sticks his tongue out childishly, ignoring Batman's beatboxing on screen.

"I know, it keeps me awake at night" Stiles replied with a giggle, pushing more popcorn into his mouth as he focuses back on the screen.

"So, how are things with Derek?" Scott asks, making Stiles cough in surprise, he hurried to pat Stiles's back.

"It's-we're-He's...He's fine, Doesn't speak much. He's gone most days because he wants to sort things out with lawyers and...all that" Stiles breathes deeply once the popcorn was gone from his throat.

"What about Tobias?" Scott asks, tilting his head. Stiles frowns.

"I don't know man, there's just...something really weird with that kid, I found out that he moved here just a day after I found Derek, well, he and the other Alphas moved here but... it seems like we got him way too easily, they just left him and it's been a week, Scott, a week since they haven't attacked, a week since they gave Tobias up... There's something fishy going on" Stiles huffs, "He's... not what he says he is, I mean, he IS a werewolf but he's hiding something, I know it"

"Oh come on Stiles" Scott frowns, "Tobias is afraid of a lot of things, he wouldn't even let Derek touch him, he still doesn't" he quickly adds, "And he and Isaac are spending a lot of time together- but, not in the I-Like-You-Let's-Get-Together kind of way but the We-Understand-And-Protect-Each-Other kind of way, They've never really had a place that felt like home but, sometimes the feeling of 'home' isn't found in a place, you know? It can be a person and I want... I want to be both their homes" Scott breaths out.

Stiles smiles almost sadly and pats Scott's shoulder, "You're really nice, you know? Too nice. You try to help people who can't be helped or try too much for people..." He huffs softly, "But you also have to understand that some people lie, some people will hurt you and some people aren't who they say they are, some people keep secrets that might hurt other people...."

There's a long pause and both boys sighs before giving a small laugh, "I guess we're both messed up, huh?" Scott asks.

Stiles fakes an offended look, "Messed up? Excuse me, the only one messed up here is you Scotty-boy"

Scott shoots him a playful glare and Stiles grins, "Are you going to start training with Derek?" Stiles asks curiously, "Because if you are, I'm coming too. You know, to observe and learn the werewolf ways" he adds easily.

Scott snorts in disbelief, "Right, Right" he chuckles before shrugging, "I don't know, I don't like Derek much and he intimidated Isaac and Tobias, I don't know if they would actually like to train with him as well..."

"Can you at least try? Tomorrow?" Stiles asks, hopeful.

"Fine" Scott sighs and Stiles whoops loudly and pumps a fist into the air.

"You are not going to regret this Scott-boy!"

"I think I already do" Scott whines. In the screen, Batman and Robin are trying to steal something from Superman's place.


"I-I don't know if I can do this" Tobias whines as they walk towards an abandoned subway-thing. "I hate practicing moves and he's scary and he'll probably snap my neck because I'm a rival Alpha and-"

"Hey, Relax" Scott hums softly, ruffling the shorter boy's hair, "He's not going to snap your neck just because you're an Alpha....right?"

Tobias pouts, "I don't know, all the Alphas I've met are territorial and dominant and I'm stupid submissive Alpha who didn't even want to be an alpha"

"You're not stupid" Scott frowns, "If he tries to snap your neck, Stiles will whack him upside the head with a baseball bat" He turns to Stiles, "Right?"

Stiles pauses and a sly grin goes over his face, "I don't know... I mean, He's an alpha and I'd hate to-"


"Alright!" Stiles throws his arms up, exasperated, "Fine, yes, I'll hit him with a baseball bat, whatever"

Isaac lets an amused smiles ghost over his face before patting Tobias's head, "How about this, if you manage to land a hit on Derek, Stiles will have to try and land a hit too?"

Tobias's face lights up and he nods, "Okay!"

"Wait, what?" Stiles gapes, "Hey, no, I did not agree to- you guys can't make me! I refuse!"

"We're here!" Scott says loudly.

"About time" Derek scoffs, coming out from inside the train, he raises a brow expectantly.

"Yeah well," Isaac shrugs, "We didn't exactly want to come out here, Stiles made us do it"

Stiles squawks slightly and his face reddens, "Don't say that!" He huffs, stepping on Isaac's foot, getting even angrier when Isaac doesn't react.

"Okay well, I want this to be a one-on-one training first. Scott, you're up" Derek says seriously, straightening his shoulders.

"So...just, right now?" Scott asks awkwardly.

"Yes" Derek huffs, an annoyed expression on his face.

Scott nods and takes a deep breath before running at Derek, swiping with his claws and kicking with his legs. Derek easily dodges his claws, grunting a bit at the kick before pushing Scott off and pining him down.

Scott whines in pain and his golden irises dim to the usual puppy-brown, "Ow...." He groans. Stiles bites back a laugh.

Isaac huffs protectively and Derek looks up, "Isaac you're next"

Tobias whines softly and nuzzles Scott's arm a bit as Isaac jogs to stay behind a box before running at Derek, easily going over the box before heading to Derek, Stiles thought he was going to do a direct attack but instead Isaac jumps to the left, clinging on the a pole before jumping at Derek.......who was expecting that.

Isaac let's out a surprised yelp as Derek throws him to the ground, Scott growls in warning before Isaac stands again and trudges back to stand beside Scott, Stiles and Tobias.

"Come on Isaac, you can do better than that" Derek huffs before nodding at Tobias, "Your turn"

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