Before and After

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"Hey, do you really mean that?" 

Stiles whirls around, baseball bat in hand as a deep voice rings out from behind him. Derek stands in front of him, shoulders back and eyes looking right into Stiles'. The human raises a brow and quirks a smile. 

"Do I really mean what Derek? I say a lot of things that aren't clear you know." Stiles grins, putting his baseball bat down on the table which he picked it up from. "Also, how did you get into my room? Where you standing behind my door the entire time?"

"No, I uh... Your window was open." Derek points out.

"Right and that makes everything so much better." Stiles smirks, tapping a finger against the wood of his table. A brow quirked. Derek rolls his eyes and steps forward, crossing his arms. 

"Whatever. You know what I mean." Derek scoffs. Stiles glances to the left and right before looking back up at Derek with confusion clear on his face. "Oh okay, you don't." Derek clears his throat and rolls his shoulders, clearly nervous. "Did you mean that you'd go with Luna after the big battle?" 

"Yeah of course I will! That's freaking awesome!" Stiles exclaims, his hands flying in the air to emphasize his obvious excitement. Derek steps back to not get hit...again. 

"What did your day say about that?" The Alpha asks. The room get silent and the sound of the howling wind and rustling leaves fill the room. The light sound of rain against the top of roofs start to get louder and louder. The crack of thunder is heard second later. 

"Well. See, I uh." Stiles claps his hands together, licking his lips nervously. "I told him I'd be going with Scott? Its the start of summer anyway, right?" He forces out a laugh. Stiles turns around and continuous to pack his bag. "Oh by the way, Scott can stay in your place for the time being right? I mean, we are supposed to look like we're in Mexico" 

"What? No-" Derek begins. Stiles turns and juts out his bottom lip, looking up at him with pleading puppy-dog eyes. Derek glares at him for a few seconds, raising a brow unimpressed. 

"Dammit it only works if Scott or Tobias does it." Stiles curses, stomping his foot on the floor lightly. "Come on Derek, please?" He whines, looking up at the very well-muscles werewolf in front of him. "I really want to get better at magic, I want to be useful for once!" he grumbles, crossing his arms and glaring at the floor. 

"Hey. You are useful. Okay, even before your magic." Derek huffs. He puts a finger under Stiles' chin and lifts it slightly, forcing Stiles to look up at him. "You are an amazing person, with or without your powers." he mumbles softly. 

Stiles hesitantly gulps. "You're not ah- you're not usually like this..."

"I know. Only the people I care about get to see this side of me." The edges of Derek's lips quirk up in a half-smile. "And if you tell anybody about this, well, let's just say that that would be the last thing you'd be able to say." he sweetly whispers.

"Are you trying to turn me on or threaten me because you're successfully doing both." Stiles chuckles, gulping and glancing at Derek's lips before looking back up to his eyes. "O-Or rather, the former is happening more..."

"Good." Derek grins, eyes flashing red as he leans closer to the smaller male. Eyes hungry and looking the human up and down. A low growl rumbles in his throat as the smell of Stiles' arousal fills the air. 

"Okay, my dad will be home in three hours. Think we can do it that fast?" Stiles says as Derek leans in and tilts Stiles's head up with his hand so he can reach the mole-covered boy's neck. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2019 ⏰

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