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Today was the day of the final contest. The crowd was cheering and all of the champions were pacing in the tent. No one had spoken another word about Crouch since the night we found him. I sat on the chair and bounced my knee intensely. We walked out into the arena and there was a maze there. The crowd went crazy. This was where the quidditch pitch once was, but we'd been promised it would return to normal as soon as the tournament was over.
"Earlier today Professor Moody placed the tri-wizards cup deep within the maze. Only he knows its exact position. Now as Mr Diggory and Miss Potter tied for first position they will be the first to enter the maze. Followed by Mr Krum The first person to touch the cup will be the winner. I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter, if at any point should a contestant wish to withdraw from the task he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands. Contestants, gather round," Dumbledore explained as we all huddled around each other. Me and Cedric were once again wearing matching outfits of different colours.
"In the maze you'll find not dragons or creatures of the deep. Instead you'll face something more challenging. You see, people change in the maze. Oh find the cup if you
can, but be very weary you could just
lose yourselves along the way. Champions, prepare yourselves!" Cedric hugged Amos. He then hugged me.
"Good luck,"
"You too,"
"3,2,1," the cannon then fired and me and Cedric rushed into the maze. I sprinted, determined to beat the boy I'd grown fond of.

I'd been wondering for what seemed like ever, when I ran into Fleur. Fleur seemed to be getting swallowed by the floor.
"Fleur! Oh my God!" I shouted. I was too late, she'd disappeared. I sent a red spark in the air, hoping a teacher would find her. I ran into the darkness once more.

The walls behind closing in. I ran, determined not to end up like Fleur. I stopped. I saw something shiny in the distance. I etched towards it.
"GET DOWN!" I hear Cedric scream. I duck and he rushes towards me. Cedric zapped Viktor with his wand. I get up and watch Cedric kick the wand out of Viktor's hand. Cedric points his wand towards Viktor, but I intervened.
"Stop! He's bewitched, Cedric. He can't help it!" I squealed. Cedric doesn't move his wand. I push Cedric back.
"Get off me!" He yells, getting angry.
"He's bewitched!" I yell back, turning to Cedric. Cedric's face softens. Something catches the corner of my eye, the cup. I smirk and run towards it. Cedric catches on and chases after me, laughing. The laughing stops and I hear a thump. I don't stop running.

"Iris! Iris!" Cedric calls in distress. I turn to fave him get drag back by plant life. I zapped the plant life and ran to help him up.
"You know for a moment there I thought
you were gonna let it get me,"
"So did I,"
"Some game, huh?"
"Some game," I sigh, looking at the cup. We walked up to it and stared at it.
"Go, take it! You saved me!" Cedric suggests. I shake my head.
"Together. One, two three!" We both grab it and we're transported into a dark and dingey field.

"You okay?" Cedric asks.
"Yeah, you?" He nods.
"Where are we?" He queried.
"I've been here before," I recalled, trying to rack my brain for where I know this place from. Then it hits me. It's the graveyard where my parents are buried.
"Cedric, the cup! Get back to it now!" I ordered.
"What are you talking about?" Cedric queried. My wrist began to burn. I clutched it in pain and fell to my knees.
"What is it?" He asks, putting an arm around me.
"Get back to the cup!" I snapped. Wormtail and Voldemort walk up to us.
"Kill the spare," Voldemort decrees. Wormtail obeys and casts the death curse and Cedric volts back. His body cold and lifeless on the floor.
"NO!" I screamed, crying like mad.
"Do it now!" Voldemort orders and Wormtail pushes me back into a statue which traps me.
Voldemort puts somethings into a cauldron. I don't really pay attention, I just stare at the limp body of Cedric Diggory, screaming and crying. Wormtail slashes my arm with a knife and watches my blood drip into the cauldron. I couldn't handle anything anymore; first my parents and now Cedric. Voldemort shouts a little bit and then his body is fully resurrected. I cried harder. The sky grows a shade darker and others are summoned.
"Welcome my friends. Thirty years it's
been, and yet you stand before me as
though it were only yesterday. I confess
myself disappointed, not one of you
tried to find me," Voldemort hissed, angrily slashing at the figures. I couldn't just sit there and watch chaos ascend in front of me, but as much as I struggled I couldn't move. Lucius begins speaking to Voldemort and my attention isn't brought back to the pair until Voldemort strokes Cedric's face with his feet.
"Oh, such a handsome boy."
"Don't touch him!" I screamed.
"Iris! I'd almost forgotten you were
here. Standing on the bones of my father.
I'd introduce you but word has it you' and your brother are almost as famous as me these days. The twins who lived. How lies have fed your legend Iris. Shall I reveal what really happened that night thirteen years ago? Shall I divulge how I truly lost my
powers? It was love. You see when dear
sweet Lily Potter gave her life for
her two children, she provided the ultimate
protection. I could not touch you. It
was old magic, something I should have
forseen. But no matter, no matter. Things
have changed, I can touch you now!" He taunted and I cried even harder. I was struggling to breathe. Voldemort puts his hand on my wrist and I screamed as pain invaded my body.
"Astonishing what a few drops of your blood will do eh Iris? Pick up your wand Potter. I said pick it up, get up. Get up! You've been taught how to duel I presume yes? First we bow to each other. Come on now Iris the nice ties must be observed, Dumbledore would not want you to forget your manners now would he? I said bow!" Voldemort used magic to force me to bow. I choked on sobs and my throat felt like it was closing in.
"That's better. And now..." he trailed off. The statue let me go and I ran over to Cedric's corpse. Voldemort cast a spell and I was laying next to Cedric. My whole body felt numb and in my last dying seconds, I looked at Cedric once more.

"I love you,"

And with that, I faded away into darkness.

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