Fifteen. Coffee (End)

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Hi people! Yes I know I didn't go like hiyyyyaaaaaaaaaa! Or whatever is because this story was my favourite one I've written from all of my other fanfics, I don't know why but writing this last chapter...I felt nervous so I hope you LOVE it. I want this story to be my best because I took my time and with all the other ones...I used to rush with them. So formally speaking, I hope you enjoy this last chapter my readers.
🕛 afternoon. 3:50 pm.
Cheryl's POV.
I feel numb.
I feel sweaty.
Last night I couldn't even sleep for an hour. You know why? Because I don't know how to say I'm sorry. I just don't...I don't like her. That's why I wanted to settle this 'one sided love' between us. I love her. I really do...but now is not the time for me to be in a serious and substantive relationship.
I look outside my bus window, currently I am going to her house. Which is one of the reasons why I'm so scared and terrified and more so, very worried about how this stuff is going to pan out.
Then again I haven't been able to love anyone since Archie. I know I am a bi*ch. I even admit it myself. But I do not know how to feel when...being loved! I have only been ever loved by my Grandmother Nana Rose. My parents were abusive...and I don't know anyone! Except my acquaintances, Betty, Veronica and all the cheerleader squad. Not to mention Kevin. But what I mean to say is...I'm not ready.
But I don't want to lose my best friend. I know we formally or informally have talked by text messages and our first meeting did not planned. But it is like an angel is watching over my broken soul. Cliche but true. And I don't even know why she is my friend...let alone have an interest in me?
Hell, I must be dreaming cause the last time I checked, they betrayed me because I loved them. So now I won't fall into anyone's traps. I don't want to be f**ked over for the tenth time.
As these thoughts float in my head a lady nudges me. "Excuse me? Your stop is here" she says with concern. I try to keep up a smiley face so she doesn't suspect anything. I nod gracefully and get out of the wildly crowded bus. Why the heck do people go on buses when I it's this hot in the afternoon? And on a Sunday?
Well then again why am I going this early on the bus if I could've just gone in the evening? I slightly shrug my shoulders
as I walk towards a certain house.
"Breathe, you are fine. You trust her, she isn't going to do anything to you" I say to myself in a normal but shaky and breathy tone. I ring the shiny silver bell button assuming that would be the bell. But nothing rang. I try to knock on the rusty dark brown door. Nobody answers back. I start to rapidly ring the bell and knock the door, "You better not panic" I say while loudly knocking the door. To the point where a flake of paint flakes off the door.
Then the door opens and a familiar figure is in front of me...wearing light blue dungarees with a black shirt underneath it. I did not know that it would look that hot-err I mean pretty on her.
" Cheryl?"
"Um...hello" I try to sound as casual as possible.
She laughs, folding her arms in a way that her front shows up. " were not lying when you said you were going to come in the afternoon to my house!"
I chuckle, easing in a little bit "Well technically i said 12 a.m But...this'll do"
We stand there for a minute with silence growing over us and it was just me and her. I slightly move towards her...maybe I should date her. Uh...What the hell? I quickly snap out of my gaze and put on a teasing face "So...may I come in madame Topaz?"
She looks at me with a puzzled expression but then catches on with the joke "No...after you my graceful Mister Blossom!" She opens the door with a charismatic yet commercial smile.
We sit down in her room...she lives in a very good looking apartment. I know...weird coming from me since I am the 'famous model of Riverdale' Ugh gosh, I'm literally sick of being in front of cameras all the time. Toni serves me some coffee as she plops down with her cup of water onto the bean chair. What am I missing? Confrontation...yeah right. I clear my throat and decide to blurt out the first thing that comes to mind "So...firstly who the hell drinks water in a cup?"
She maniacally starts to laugh as water spills on the floor. " goodness. Are you really asking me that as the first thing to initiate a regular conversation? Wow...that's racist by the way"
"Well...That physically makes my back itch while you drink from that" I remark back playfully. She gives me the middle finger while hiding a smile. That's cute. Wait. Come again?
I push back the mindf**ks and try to speak normally, "So...serious talk for a second, about the whole love thing...I wanted to say that..." I trail off.
She closes her eyes..."Cheryl. You see when I saw soul kinda went like 'Oh! There you are...I was looking for you my entire life' you know what I mean? And I know you do not emotionally feel the same but...please" I raise an eyebrow...on her. She shrugs annoyingly "You know what it probably doesn't even make sense-I just...please go"
She stands up and motions towards the door. "It's fine...I'll be okay, trust me. I'm probably in the bad head-space anyway"
I remain silent. 
"Get out!?!"
"No!" I gulp and speak even louder than her. "No...I don't want to go, you seem to always give up too early. You walked away on the first meeting of ours and I am not walking away like you did"
She starts questioning me "Why? Get yourself a nice partner and sh*t! You won't even remember me by that time"  "No. You know why? Because-"
There it is...I crash my lips against hers and push her back on the chair. Her lips are...candy flavoured. I might be delusional. But it was the right moment. And I know I'll have nothing better than her so why lose the chance? After making out on the bean-chair for ten minutes I let go of her lips.
She's smiling.
And I cannot help but too.
She breaks the trance intentionally to only say "I thought you were lactose intolerant. Why did you drink the coffee?" I look at her with a shocked face. She remembers?
"Let's just say you made me try sweet things again"
She slaps my back "You sappy biatch!"
"That's how I role...sissterrr!"
"You're so crazy I love you" she whispers into my ear.
I smirk back at her "Maybe I changed my mind about everything I had planned to say today to you"
"Makes you think huh? How much impact I have on you?" She pushes me away teasingly.
Maybe love isn't bad after all.
Hey guys! Last chapter! If you want other books on any of your fandoms or ships...comment. But for now...
Bye readers! 🐽🐽🐽

Lactose intolerant (Choni, Toni x Cheryl)Where stories live. Discover now