Fourteen. Hi again!

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Hiyyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa guys? I know....I'm sorry I couldn't write. Blah blah my excuses BUT we haven't done a texting chapter for a long time. So here we go! Second to last chapter and I'm already sad that it's ending.

 So here we go! Second to last chapter and I'm already sad that it's ending

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🕛 Midnight. 12:00 am.
Toni: Cheryl.
Toni: Cheryl ik I'm sorry.
Toni: I'm gonna spam your phone.
Toni: Cheryl.
Toni: pls.
Toni: sissterrr?
Toni: I can't believe I just wrote that.
Toni: Cheryl I'm sorry I walked out...I just was not in the right mindset.
Toni: Cheryl? 💃💃💃
Cheryl: for god sake!
Toni: so you're not mad?
Cheryl: no! actually....I have something to tell you.
Toni: Ugh. Now we're going somewhere! Me too. Let's text it simultaneously okay?
Cheryl: count to three!
Toni: Ok. ready babe?
Cheryl: um...Uh yea?
Toni: I love you.
Cheryl: Errr...I was about to say I forgive you for that day and I'm sorry. So...that, I dunno what to feel?
Toni: ooooh...well um heh I was joking, jeez!
Cheryl: Oh. Okay. This is verrry awkward.
Toni: Okay I'll be going?
Cheryl: nononno!
Toni: I said It was a joke!
Cheryl: just...
Toni: just?
Cheryl: Just...come over to my house tomorrow? We'll settle everything.
Cheryl: I'll text you my address.
Toni: Yeah...I don't think so.
Cheryl: I know you like me. Well...then talk to me.
Toni: I don't like you!
Cheryl: you love-like me?
Toni: NO.
Cheryl: I know when someone lies.
Toni: well if you really think I do, how do you feel?
Cheryl: I'm going to pass. sorry, I dunno how to feel.
Toni: I get it. It's fine.
Cheryl: NO WAIT.
Toni: this is getting boring really early Cheryl.
Cheryl: I'll come over then.
Toni: you don't know where I live....?
Cheryl: pssshh. You know I have my ways.
Toni: 😑
Cheryl: so you're using emojis now?
Toni: shut up.
Cheryl: I'll be coming over deliberately at 12 in the afternoon. No excuses.
Toni: but.
Cheryl: Uh Huh not good enough small talk, so bye!
Cheryl is offline.
Toni: Hell to Christ?
I know it's short. It's suspenseful for 'The last chapter' dun dun dun!
Bye readers!

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