Chapter three.

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She approached me and said "ha, like Alex would even wave at you, it's a honest mistake, you think you have a chance with him, pu-lease" she laughed and made a rude face.

I looked away and Alex said "no, I was waving at you angelica"

Yes, that's my name. I am also insecure about that. I told him how I would like to see him next period to talk to him about something important.

Amanda immediately bursted in front of my face and said "shut up, get over the fact that he's mine, and doesn't like you. What is wrong with you? he's not yours, your too ugly and weird sheesh.

Alex made a sound with his throat, and walked quietly away grabbing Amanda's hand.

He looked away at me, while walking with her away in the hallway, made a sign, it looked like he was trying to say he was gonna meet me later.

I got happy enough to smile a tad. But of course, the bullies came across and ruined it by making fun of my outfit as usual.

I walked to math class and suddenly I saw something and just made me tear up...

It was Alex with Amanda, this time he was holding her hand, and she was holding his tightly, she was rubbing it and he looked at me, and right away looked away...

What happened? What did Amanda tell him about me?

Did she say something that wasn't even true, a huge rumour, or did she just make fun of this things I do, and the things I wear?

Math class was over, and I was waiting for Alex. It was 4 minutes before next period and still no sign of him.

I waited and waited. But of course...nothing, probably thanks to Amanda.

I didn't know what to do anymore. Do I still wait? Do I just leave and hope he doesn't come after I've left? I stayed incase...

But next period bell rang, and I walked sadly to my locker and ran fast to my class, luckily I made it on time. I saw Alex there, witch made me tear up even more...he did avoid me, he did reject me, on purpose, nothing happened to him, he just didn't show up. All because of what? I don't know, oh I just wish I knew.

After the next period, I was done with Amanda if this was all her fault. So I walked up to Alex and breathed loudly. I shrugged my throat, and loudly said "unhum" deeply.

He looked at me, and immediately looked away from me, I couldn't take it anymore, WHAT HAVE I DONE??? WHAT WAS HE SO MAD ABOUT?

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