Chapter five.

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I saw Alex at school and he ran up to me.

He said "hey!? What happened last night? Why did you just leave our phone call last night?!

"I had to go eat..." I said looking seat, biting my lip...thinking that, that was probably the worst excuse on earth.

He told me something nobody has ever told me...

"Well, you look beautiful today by the way"

I looked away and smiled.

He smiled and made his cute, small laugh, looking away"

I told him "thank you, but I'm not" and walked away sliming.

Is this real? He actually told me that? Wow.

Amanda walked past me and told me how she heard what Alex told me, she told me her and him broke up, she said Alex broke up with her because she was too mean and selfish. She looked at me and told me how it's all my fault.

I walked away quietly without responding too her rude comments.

I approached Alex at lunch to see if he was ok after that breakup, because they've been together for 10 months now, that's a lot!

Alex looked a bit sad at lunch, but not as sad as Amanda. He said he just wanted to break up with her, but now that he did, his heart feels alone.

I completely understood him. So I told him that he's gonna be ok and that he deserves someone better than her, she's mean.

I walked back home and thought about maybe changing myself a little bit...

And I went for it, I went shipping for completely new things, new outfits, new shoes, new accessories, everything! Maybe Alex will like me, who knows?!

So, I slept happy, knowing that tomorrow, maybe I won't get as bullied, or won't get rejected, maybe it could even become popular? I thought to myself, I also laughed at myself about the whole "becoming popular thing"

Goodnight, I told my parents, and sisters.

I even tweeted online "tomorrow might be a change for me" before I went to bed.

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