Chapter four.

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I was so done with being rejected by him that I ran in front of his face and said "ok that's enough, first you give me the look of rejection in class, then you don't come to see me last period and now you turn away?????! Why?!"

He slowly walked away and saw Amanda drinking water from the fountain, so he walked up to her, grabbed her books, look back at me and left with her.

I ran away to the girls bathroom until school was over.

I was done, I took the bus home and walked quietly into my house, so my parents don't suspect anything.

My makeup was dripping down my face. I had black mascara running down my cheeks.

I ran into my room, and shut my door loudly. Thankfully I realized my parents weren't coming home for another hour.

I ran in my closet, cried, cried, and cried.

I checked my social medias...

And I saw the worst thing I could ever see...

Amanda posted a twitter comment saying "Alex and I are inseparable, he's mine"

Alex replied "forever babe"

I knew it, I had no chance, never had, never will.

I got a phone call at about 9:00 pm at night.

It said blocked number. I still answered and said "hello?"

"Hi" the person answered.

"It's Alex" he said in the most manly voice.

I was dead, I couldn't believe it! How did he get my number?!?!

I still said "oh hi Alex..why are you calling me? Shouldn't you be with Amanda rejecting me"

I'm not with her tonight, I'm here to talk to you"

"What's wrong?" I said sadly.

"It's time for the truth angelica, I'm here to tell you why I've been rejecting you..." he said.

"Really?!!? Thank you! Finally, I'm sorry but it's been making me upset, I haven't done anything wrong to you, and you suddenly start ignoring me, and then I asked you why..." then I breathed loudly and continued talking fast..

"You just still ignored me and now your saying you love Amanda so I don't know why your even talking to me when you should be with her your love of your life that treats me like garbage" I breathed again...just as I was gonna continue he said;

"Calm down...I wasn't talking to you because Amanda told me she didn't want me hanging out with you, she hates you and I'm supposed to follow her rules"

"Oh..." I said sadly....while pressing the off button on the phone without saying another thing.

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