Lollies and Loki- CH19

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Once Loki managed to calm her down following his announcement they got to go visit Hogwarts (to quote her god, she was "bouncing around like a demented squirrel on a sugar high whose tail had been set on fire") they sat together in front of the merrily crackling fireplace and she excitedly told him about her about her past week.

Talking about her lessons with Morgana reminded her about an earlier question she had; a question that, in the excitement of meeting Merlin then Loki's return and learning about their upcoming visit to Hogwarts, she had quite forgotten about— the Triple Goddess, and her possible role in her magic.

"Loki," she asked hesitantly, unsure whether or not her question would upset him– gods were notoriously possessive and she had no doubt Loki was too. She didn't want to upset him or make him angry, but... well, she hoped that he'd understand that while she was his, no matter what, she was curious. Her magic was, after all, an integral part of her– she just wanted to know if that part was touched by a god other then Loki.

"Yeah pumpkin?" he asked absently, most of his focus currently on perfectly stacking his s'more– he had snapped up the ingredients about half an hour ago, declaring that the fireplace in their room was perfect for roasting s'mores while she told him the stories of her week. She'd already eaten herself sick on the chocolatey gooey goodness and watching Loki assemble his latest one was making her feel a bit nauseous.

"When I was talking to Morgana earlier today," she said, still hesitant, "she, um, she mentioned the Triple Goddess and when I asked about her, she told me that the Triple Goddess was responsible for my magi– holy cow!"

Hermione stared, wide-eyed, at the s'more that had just spontaneously combusted into a ball of fire, leaving only bits of charcoal behind— and this was before Loki had actually started roasting it. The metal skewer he was holding now looked suspiciously bent too.

"Hecate," Loki said very stiffly, "is very annoying. She has no claim over you."

"Is... is Hecate the Triple Goddess, then?" Hermione asked cautiously.

"She is." He said shortly.

"So... is Morgana right, is she responsible for, um, for blessing us with the ability to touch the magic, er, 'bound to the very fabric of the world'?" She asked, internally wondering if this was what was considered 'poking a sleeping dragon in the eye'.

Loki turned to her, his eyes glowing gold. She could feel his magic building up in the room, could feel its wild intensity; it felt like the sort of power that could swallow oceans, split lands and carry mountains. She felt both small under the enormity of it and breathless from having all that power focused solely on her.

"You are mine, Hermione Jane Granger," Loki said, voice fierce and final. "When you gave yourself to me, I took Hecate's blessing out of you and replaced it with my own— I refuse to allow any other god or goddess to have a claim over one of mine!"

Hermione looked up at him with wide eyes. "Really?" she breathed, her hands coming up to press against her chest, over where she'd always felt the miniature golden sun of her magic inside her.

"You are mine," Loki repeated. "Not hers."

"Well, of course I am," she told him, wanting to reassure her god. "I never thought any differently for a moment. And even if it was her blessing, I would still be yours— but I am so pleased it's your blessing."

And at that, Loki looked like the cat with the cream. After taking a brief moment to banish the mess of charred remains, bent skewer and remaining s'mores ingredients, he pulled her over to him so she was curled up at his side. The warmth radiating from him was hotter than the fire, but somehow not uncomfortable at all in that odd way of is and she happily let him tuck her up beside him.

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