Sweets and Studies- Ch16

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"The trick is," Hermione said as she and Neville stood in one of the abandoned classrooms, "creativity."

"Creativity," Neville repeated and Hermione nodded.

"There's a lot you can do with very simple spells if you use them creatively," she explained. "We're going to focus on three today– scourgify, lumos and cantis."

"I recognise two of those," Neville said slowly. "Scourgify is a cleaning spell, right? And lumos makes light?"

"That's right," she nodded. "And cantis is a jinx that causes uncontrollable singing."

"And... I'll be able to beat Malfoy with just them?" Neville asked nervously.

"Trust me Neville," Hermione said firmly, "if you can master them? You will."

Harry, Millie and Ron joined them an hour into Neville's practicing of the spells. He had mastered lumos quickly and could manage a decent scourgify but cantis was proving difficult and he seemed relieved for the short reprieve.

Despite the upcoming duel, Harry's face was bright and shining with excitement and he was quick to share why. "McGonagall said that when Madam Hooch told her about my flying, she was really impressed," he said eagerly, "she told me I should try out for the Gryffindor Quidditch team, even though I'm just a first year!"

"I thought first years couldn't try out for the team?" Hermione asked, startled. It was Ron who cleared things up.

"They're not allowed their own broomsticks, but they can try out for the team," he explained. "Usually they just borrow a broom from a friend or older sibling. There hasn't been a first year who's made the team for about a century, though, because it's really competitive!"

"Are you going to try out, Harry?" Hermione asked him and Harry nodded.

"Ron said he'd ask the twins if I could borrow one of their brooms for the try-outs," he said, face shining. "Their try-outs will be at different times– they're Beaters and McGonagall said she thought I should try out for the Seeker position."

Hermione, remembering Marcus's comment to Oliver Wood that he'd only start worrying about the Slytherin Quidditch team's chances if Gryffindor ever got a decent Seeker, thought that her fellow Slytherin might start regretting those words. Also, Professor McGonagall was apparently a lot more competitive then Hermione had realised!

"I think you'll be amazing," she said honestly. "And so long as you're not playing Slytherin, I promise I'll cheer for you... actually, I'll probably cheer for you a little bit anyway. Just very quietly."

Harry blushed. "I probably won't get on the team," he said, "I am just a first year."

"Nonsense," Hermione declared, "if Madam Hooch told Professor McGonagall that she thinks you're good enough to be on the team, then I don't doubt for a moment you'll make it."

Harry couldn't help his wide, excited smile at her encouragement and Ron looked just as enthusiastic next to him. Even Neville, despite his anxiety, managed a wobbly smile and a soft congratulations.

Noticing Neville's pallor, Harry's good mood wilted slightly. "Um," he said, "so what is a wizard's duel, exactly?"

Millie looked at him in disbelief. "Potter," she said, ignoring his correction of 'Harry', "please don't tell me you agreed to the duel without even knowing what it is."

Harry looked like a deer in headlights. "Um," he said, "I... won't? Tell you that?"

Millie looked dearly like she wanted to curse him. "Potter," she said through gritted teeth, "there are duels that can strip a wizard of their titles, their gold, even their magic if they lose. There are duels where it's legal to fight to the death. You cannot just agree to any potentially binding magical contract without being fully aware of the possible consequences for doing so!"

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