An ordinary girl.

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Shaila POV:

I was walking into the starbucks with my brother. I order for me and him and we sit down. We start to talk when a group of teenage girls start screaming. Then all of a sudden one direction walks in. When they were ordering zayn kept staring at me and each time I looked at him he would wink. I didnt think much of it because I have a boyfriend and zayn probly does it to everyone. I keep talking to my brother and I decide to leave.

" hey Shammi I'll see you tomorrow" I said to my brother and started to walk home.

I start walking untill I hear someone saying

" hey hold up" I turn around to see zayn Malik running up to me.

" hey beautiful" he says to me

" hi.." I said and started to walk away.

He started to walk with me and said

" what's your name?"


" I'm zayn"

" yeah I know"

" oh okay"then he stopes me but holding my arm and says

" didn't you see me winking at you"

" yeah I did.. So?"

" so what..!" he yelled alittle

" what do you want" I yelled

" I just wanted to hang out"

" we'll I have a boyfriend" and started to walk away

Zayn POV:

What was her problem I just wanted to talk but she was so beautiful I couldn't get her of my mind but the she said she has a boyfriend so I decided I could get any girl why was I do hung out on her? She started to walk away so I thought I should go back to the boys

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