Chapter 4

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Zayn POV:

Once we got home Shammi told us that we should get some sleep and that Shaila was sleeping on te couch. We all went into our room but I couldn't help but think that I was in love with Shaila so I go down stairs and see Shaila on her phone.

" hey beautiful" I say but she doesn't answer. She sits up and just keeps looking at her phone. I could tell she was hurt so I grabbed her an hugged her but she pulled away and layed back down and closed her eyes I could tell she was about to fall asleep so I went to get a blacket and put it on her and sleep with her.

Her back was facing me but I had my arm around her waist.

Shaila POV:

I woke up and I notice that Zayns arm was around me and I was facing him and he was waking up I had my arm on his cheat.

" hey beautiful" he said but the I hear Pierre start to yell

" zayn!! What are you doing"

" sleeping "

" we didn't do anything I swear" I said but she just put her hand in my face

I thought that zayn had to explain so I went into the kitchen and started making breakfast since it was my turn. I hear the door close and I feel someone's arms around me and kissing my neck. When I turn to see who it was the person kisses my lips. It felt so good that I put my arms aroun his neck and things get passionate but then I remember I don't know who this is and I pull away. When I opens my eyes I see zayn!!

" that was amaZAYN" he said and u started to laugh. And I turned away because I had to think but zayn grabbed me and kissed me again and things turned into a make out session but then Harry walks in and we pull away. " I know you liked that" zayn whispered into my ear

" but I loved it" h whispered again and walked away. The whole day I've been avoiding zayn because I wasn't sure if he was still with Pierre but then I went into my room but then I hear someone knocking my door so I open it to see zayn in his pjs and a white rose...

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