Chapter 3

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Shaila POV; 

After everything that happend I kind of liked when zayn kissed my neck an had his arms around me. He was so warm but I kept thinking about Daniel my boyfriend but I forgot about him when zayn said he had a girlfriend. Zayn explained how he hated shammi because he thought he was my boyfriend. 

Shammi was living with the boy and I became really good friends with them and they asked me to move in with them 

* 1 mouth later* 

I broke up with Daniel after I caught him cheating but I didn't tell the boys or zayn because after I moved in zayn wouldnt stop flirting with me. I meant I like it but... So today zayn said his girlfriend Pierre is coming over tonight and I got so mad but I held it in. 

* later that day* 

Someone was at the door so I went to open it and I said a girl. 

She was beautiful 

" you must be pierre" I said and let her in 

"yeah and I'm sorry but who are you" she said with a little attitude but then Harry came down and said " she's our best friend " and put his arm around me. Then zayn came down and once he saw Harry's arm around me his eyes looked mad  

" hey babe" zayn said and kissed her  

We all sat down on the sofa me and Harry on one and zayn and Pierre on the other we were watching a scary movie when zayn and pierre started to make out and moan and I started to get jealous that I said" can you 2 be quiet" and walked into my room. Harry came into my room and told me that he knows that I like zayn and how he knows that im not dating Daniel anymore and then he started to tell me how him and Louis have a secret relationship but management won't let them come out. 

Then he told me how the boys know about him and Louis and we went back down stairs to eat dinner. 

" what are we making" I asked Harry what do you want" he said then Pierre came and said " let's get nandos " and we left to go get it. Me , the boys, Pierre, and my brother.

Zayn POV: 

When we went to nandos I couldn't help but think Shaila was jealous of me and Pierre but doesn't she have a boyfriend. 

Pierre kept kissing my jaw line and rubbing my cock but then I saw Shaila look at me and her eyes shined and I forgot Pierre was there and I said" your so beautiful Shaila wheres Daniel" and then everyone's eyes got bigger an then pierre stiped touching me and kept eating. Everything got slilent and then I saw Shaila look at harry and he nodded 

" we broke up" Shaila said to end the silence 

" why" Shammi said and put his arm around her 

" I saw him cheating on me" she said  

I couldn't help but feel happy bit sorry! Who would Cheat on this beautiful sexy girl? But then pierre said 

" was the person he was cheating on with you prettier than you because I don't know why he would date you?" and then Shaila got up and left. All the boys were going to get her when Shammi said " don't, she's upset and whens she mad she just needs time alone."

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