Cameron Dallas short imagine cute/kind of dirty

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Cameron: You were walking home from the mall. You enter the very pretty house you and Cameron shared and took off your Taylor Swift Keds in the mud room. You walk down to the 'Man Cave' which is just a neatly designed basement with video games and a pool table. You overhear Cam talking to Matt and Taylor about something. You decided to just listen to the deep conversation they were having.

"Dude, how is Y/N in bed?" You hear Taylor say. Of course.

"Yeah how is she?". Matt questioned

"She is great, she acts all innocent outside of the bedroom like she doesn't do anything wrong. But in the bedroom she is my dirty little-"

"Hey guys what's up?" You interrupted Cam in mid sentence. "Oh great bae." Cam replied walking up to you and kissing your neck and whispering dirty things in your ear.

"Boys I think it is getting late you should get going." Cam said in a quick tone.

"Okay bye Cam, bye Y/N!" Matt said

"Ooh Cameron is getting done tonight!" Taylor yelled leaving you and Cameron alone.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Lets get it on Baby!" Cameron said while carrying you over his shoulder. "Whatever you say Daddy ;)" You replied.

Lets just say you and Cameron had a very passionate night together.

Hey Guys this was very awkward to write sooo 0_o

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