Cameron Dallas Imagine

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You, Your husband Cameron, and your 5 year old daughter Ally were eating Dinner and Ally just asked a question out of the blue.

"What does 'Fuck' mean?"

Cameron choked on his water and you dropped your plate.

"Sweetie where did you here that word?" you asked completely shocked that those words would ever come out of her sweet innocent mouth.

"Well, yesterday I was with daddy and Uncle Nash at the mall eating Subway and I heard daddy tell Uncle Nash that he was going to fuck you and you won't be able to walk for a week!" she exclaimed. I looked at Cam and he just smirked.

"Sweetie don't say that word ever again okay." I told her.

"Okay mommy." She said and walked away to get ready for bed. I looked a Cameron and he just smirked.

"Sometimes I could just kill you right?" I said.

"Yeah, but then I wouldn't be there to pleasure you." He replied.

"Well last night was fun." You said truthfully.

"Damn right it was." He said inching closer to your face and then he added

"Wanna do it again?" All I could do was nod and he led us upstairs. But just to tease him I went to help Ally brush her teeth and get her pajamas on. "Okay Ally time to get tucked in." You said sweetly. Ally nodded and went to her tiny twin sized bed. "Read me a Swory" she said in her toddler voice.

"Okay, let's read this one." You said and picked up a Cinderella book. "Once upon a time..."


"The End" you finished and she was already asleep. You kissed her forehead and exited her pink and purple room. You then enter yours and Cameron's room to find him sitting on the bed in only his boxers, rose petals, and candles everywhere.

"Ready for a night to remember?"

Thanks for reading I feel less awkward now that I got used to making slightly dirty imagines.

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