Chapter 2: Zayn's Jade's and Liam's Story

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Previously in Polar Opposites:

"Boo!" Someone said. I screamed and I was stiff to move.


Zayn's POV:

"Nice Try, trying to zap me with your powers. Doesn't work." I said.

"Zayn," Perrie said angrily.

"Perrie." I mocked.

"What do you want from me?" She asked. "And also, how did you get to scare me fast enough?" She questioned.

"Well, it's a windy day, so I just flew back down," I said.

"But, you can't fly."

"The bubble you idiot!" I yelled.

"You didn't answer my first question!" Perrie yelled. "What do you want this time?"

"The money? Where is it?!" I yelled.

"It's gone." She mumbled.



"You owe me money by the end of the week. You're lucky I let it slide." I whispered in her ear.

"Bye Zayn." She said, walking away. I stood there silent and decided to go for a walk.

I didn't tell you who I am, and my story. I am Zayn Malik, a boy from Bradford. Also known as 'Bradford's bad boy'. Which is true actually. My parents are rich and give me money every week. Like one million pounds a week or so. Anyways, I met Perrie at London University, for the smart and rich heroes. (Hehe, ummm, since they are in a dimension WITH powers. Everyone has powers... Awkward.... Yeah.... *face palms self* Okay, continue.) So, we met at a party, and she saw me and looked at me like she has a crush on me. Which she did, and looked like a geek, with powers. Obviously. I walked up to her, and I said what was your problem. I remembered it crystal clear.


"What's your problem Blondie?" I said harshly.

"Um, I-I'm Perrie." She stuttered.

"So you're a stuttering nerd, who is a blonde slut? Disgusting." I said.

"HEY! Can you not say that?" She said loudly.

"Oh, look at that, little miss nerd starts to get defensive! How surprising!" I said loudly so everyone can hear. Everyone turned around and saw us two.

"C-Can you n-not do that p-please?" She asked.

"Hehe, asking won't work," I said.

"Well, one more word, or else I will do something." She said.

"One more word or el-" She had her hand up and zapped me against the wall. She still had her hand up, walking closer to me. When she reached to my ear, she whispered;

"Let's make a deal. You help me to get a dorm because I can't afford one. And I'll help you with your problem with using your powers as a defense." She said. How does she know my defensive problem?

"How am I suppose to pay you back?" I asked.

"Money of course!" She said. I sighed in defeat and continue talking.

"Deal," I said. She let go of her powers, causing me to fall on the floor, and everyone else going back to the party.


Polar Opposites *ON HOLD* (Zerrie, Jiam, Liall, and Lousy AU)Where stories live. Discover now