Chapter 3: Niall's Story

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Previously in Polar Opposites:

"Oh, no need to apologize Jade! It's fine! I don't mind." I said. I don't want to tell her my secret that I-


 I walked inside of Mcdonald's and saw my buddy Liam, flirting with an employee. Typical. I went to the booth, and slid next to Liam, pushing him into the window.

''Hello honey.'' I said.

''Hi.'' She said shyly. I went to hold her hand, but when I touched it, it turned into fire, making my hand burn. I immeadiatly got my hand away from her, and trying to soothe my hand.

''Wow, fire girl.'' I said.

''It's Pyrokinesis.'' She stated.

''What the heck is that?'' I asked.

''To control fire and create fire.'' She said. ''Duh.'' She whispered. I gave her a glare, which made her eyes light up with anger, like literally, I saw FIRE in her eyes.

''Now, give me a big mac, and soda, and large fires in pronto.'' I ordered. She gave me a questioning look, until I had to take things in my way. ''CHOP CHOP! THE FOOD WON'T MAKE ITSELF!'' I yelled, clapping my hand. She ran away to get my food.

''Niall!" Liam said, as he smacked my shoulder.

''What? She was an employee.'' I said.

''Well, she was nice. Anyways, I thought you only have one power?'' Liam asked.

''No. It's not a power, it's a talent, passed by generations, and generations.'' I said.

''That's called a power.'' Liam said.

''No, we call it the Horan command. It's how it is a loooooooong time ago.'' 

''Okay..Whatever you say Horan.'' Liam said. Then, it started to rain hard inside and outside.

''LIAM! You do not let your attitude affect your powers." I said.

''I don't care.'' Liam said. I gave him the look, and it became normal when Liam gave up.

''Whatever.'' Liam said.

''Here's your food sir.'' The employee came back with my food. Except my large fries.

''HEY! I said Large, not Medium!'' I said, shoving up the fries to her.

''We don't have any large con-''

''NO! I want it in a Large, like what I ordered.'' I said.

''Then, you have to pa-'' She was trying to say something until I gave her the look. She became happy, and not in a sarcastic way, and she apologized. ''I'm sorry, I'll change it with no charge.'' She said, running away with my medium fries and changing it to large fries.

''Oh my god, you need to teach me that talent.'' Liam begged.

''Only if your a blood Horan.'' I said.

''What is that suppose to be?'' Liam asked.

''Ugh!'' I complained.

*Later on*

''You wanna come to my place? I need help setting up.'' I said. I'm having a party tonight for no reason, and I'm inviting random people. I hae a big house, so it doesn't matter. The people I know that are coming are Liam, the employee from Mcdonald's, Perrie from college, Zayn from college, Louis from Middle School, Jesy from High School, and Harry. 

''Nah. Is Harry coming right?'' Liam asked. Him, Harry and I been mates since the womb. Our fathers work together in a big company, and our mothers are friends since college, and we're the next generation, I guess?

''Yeah. So you coming?'' I asked.

''Can't have to help my mum.'' Liam said.

''Okay. Bye. And tell your mum I said hi!'' I said.

''Kay, do the same.'' Liam said.

''Kay.'' We did our handshake, and left. While I was walking this girl bumped into me, and I got angry with her.

''Watch where you're going idiot.'' We said in unison. I looked at her and she looked actually, okay.

''Hey, I'm having a party. Wanna come.'' I asked, getting the invitation from my pocket then handing it to her.

''I guess.'' She said.

''Cool. Wait, what's your name and number?'' I asked.

''Why?'' She asked.

''Because, I want to hang out sometime maybe.'' I said.

''Okay, it's Leigh-Anne Pinnock, but call me Leigh. And give me your phone and I'll put my phone number in it.'' She said. I gave her my phone, and she typed in her number. Once she was done, she gave it to me, and ran off.

''Bye.'' She said.

''Okay.'' I said, being confused. I kept walking to my car, and when I got in there, I got a parking ticket. I took it out, and ripped it up, and dropping it on the ground. That was my fifth ticket this week and if I get one more this week, I'll get my car taken away. Oh no. Well, might as well get going. Then the screen in my car popped up to see my father.

''NIALL!'' He yelled.

''Yes father.'' I said, going reverse.

''Why is there a fifth parking ticket in your car insurance?'' He asked.

''Because I'm in an area where they put random parking tickets anywhere.'' I lied. 

''Niall, I need you home right now.'' He demanded.

''I'm home father, don't worry.'' I said, opening the garage so I can park my car.

''NIALL! You can't use your speed powers in the road.'' My father yelled.

''Says the guy who went through the Tower bridge very fast, causing a car crash in the middle of the bridge.'' I said. ''And mum still hasn't found out yet.'' I said blackmailing him.

''Okay, fine you get a free pass.'' He said. 

''Thank you. '' I said, turning off the car to go inside.

*Later in the night*

''Nice party dude.'' Some random person complimented. I went to get another drink, until I someone tapped me on my shoulder.

''Hey there.''


A/N: I know, kill me already.

I haven't updated, but look who has updated.

But, I need to go soon.

QOTD: Did you guys listen to the Four album. If so what's your favorite from the album.

Right now: it's Girl Almighty. But my top five is 1. Girl Almighty 2. Night Changes 3. Illusion (Because it's about Sophiam and I love it!) 4. Act my Age 5. Change Your Ticket

So anyways, don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW, AND SHARE!

m'kay, ily, BYE!

-Richlyn ♥ XOX ♥

Polar Opposites *ON HOLD* (Zerrie, Jiam, Liall, and Lousy AU)Where stories live. Discover now