Most important question

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Ming and Kit arrived..Kit get surprise to see the house infront of him..

Ming is that a palace???

No silly it's our home..

It's yours???

Technically yes..Because my grandpa give this house to me..But he is the one who build this house..

Not even your dad...hmmm...Kit get nerves..

Ming understand Kit nervousness...Hey baby look at me..I am Ming..your Mingkwan,,just Ming..

You are not just and that's the problem..I know yo is super rich but you never told me about you..

Because this doesn't matter baby..I love you..

I know you love me..but people will talk..I'm not poor but compare to you I'm nothing..people will say I love you because of your money..

Shhhhhh...Ming kiss kit lips can't you stop thinking..


you know whenever you think I'm the one who get the punishment..You thinking about us and look we both lose our precious 1 you want to think about people..Do you really need to thinking about others..can't you just think about me..about my heart..please...

what about your dad..??

Dad..Let's see how he think about you..

Ming and Kit go to the living room where his dad,,Phana and Beam are waiting..

 '''SAWASDEEKHRAP''' Ming and Kit wai them together...

Yo jumped and hug Kit..Phana and Beam hug Ming and said sorry to not trust him..

Yo give me a chance please..Ming dad asked..

Yo loose the hug and step aside..

Ming dad took Kit hand and okay son??

Kit get teary eyed to hear ''son''word from Ming dad..Yeah I'm okay uncle..sorry we make you worried..

It's okay come with me.. sit first..Did you eat anything ??Let's eat together..what you like to eat son??


Don't call me uncle..Call me dad or pa..

Pa,,Kit paused for a second..Pa why don't you asked anything about me..?

Because I already know what I need to know..

What is it Pa??

MING Dad paused for some second and look at Kit eyes... Kit Do you love my MING..?

YES..kit answer without hesitation...

Do you have any plan to hurt him??

No..I'll never hurt him..not in my right mind..

That's it..that's all I need to know..I didn't asked because it's all show in your eyes..It's shows how much you love my ming..and son I know what you are thinking..Don't worry as long as you love my Ming..nothing else matter..Don't think to much just take care of yourself and my Ming...

Ming hug his dad from behind and said Thank you dad..Ming dad took Kit in his hug too..Kit also said Thankyou Pa..

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