Long distance

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It's been 3 weeks.. Ming is really busy.. he rarely call Kit.. Kit feel frustrated and worried.. No one dare to provoke him.. cause he is always in bad mood.. Phana give smile to Yo.. who just sit beside Kit..

''P' .. You should eat something.. You look so terrible.. He will kill me If he saw you like this..''... Yo said to Kit.. but Beam sigh and said.. ''Bad move nong..''... Kit look at Yo and reply him back .. 

''He.. where is He ?.. How could he see me.. ?.. It's been 3 days.. he didn't even call me.. You know what your friend said to me when he last call.. ''P'..how are you..?.. did you eat ?..  I have to go.. take care..'' that damn call doesn't even last for 1 minute.. ''..

Yo gasped .. ''P'...''...

''Give me his address.. I want to see him..'' ... 

''Kit..'' Phana try to say something but Kit cut him..

''No ,, Phana..  I won't listen to anyone.. I have already decided to go.. I miss him so much.. No one telling me in detailed .. I asked my dad.. he doesn't say anything.. Pa don't answer my call.. Ming never give me the chance to ask him anything.. I can't take it anymore..'' 

''I'm sorry P'.. Ming won't like it if I do that.. sorry..''... Kit stand up and walk without saying and looking at them.. Forth put his hand on Beam shoulder and said..  ''I don't like the look on his face..'' .. They stare at Kit back.. Next day Yo get a sms from Kit..

''Sorry to put you through this.. but I have no choice.. I'm at the airport now..  I'm asking you for the last time.. I'll find him no matter how.. but you can save some of my time.. I'll call you after 30 minute.. make your decision nong.. Please give me his address..''.. 

Yo panicked he call Kit but Kit don't pick up.. he call Phana and told him about the message.. Phana panicked too.. he call Kit as well but again no one answer it.. During this 30 Minute Kit ignore call from everyone.. Yo, Phana , Forth, Beam .. even he ignore Kristis call as well.. after 30 Minute He call Yo.. but Phana is the one who answer the phone..

''are you mad.. come back quickly.. we can solve it together.. I'll talk to uncle.. please.. just stay there.. I am coming to pick you..'' Kit sigh and said.. ''Tell yo, I got his answer..''... Yo scream and take the call.. ''No.. P' .. I already send you a message.. please take care of yourself and Ming too.. and please call us when you meet him..''..  Kit says thanks.. 

''What the hell is this situation..? .. why I can't meet them..?.. '' Ming is shouting.. the secretary answer..

''Sorry sir.. but they are aggressive and angry.. I'm afraid they will attack you.. I can't take the risk..''

''But I can't just sit like this.. I have to try atleast..'' 

''I'll talk to them sir.. You please take care of the chairman..''.. Ming nod and the secretary go out from the office room.. Ming lean on the chair and close his eyes.. There so many thing happens in this 3 weeks..  He came and see his dad in hospital.. he get attack by some local gang.. there is so much problem in the company..  the worker strike.. the demand impossible amount of salary.. all the production get stop because of that.. the buyer accuse the company.. some of them even threaten him to sue the company.. This is all new to him.. his father is the one who always take care of the business.. and above all of this.. he miss his kitty so much.. he take the phone and call Kit but his number is switch off.. another secretary come and said.. Ming had to attend another meeting .. so he put his phone down and go for the meeting room..

Kit land on the airport in the midnight.. he call Ming but no one answer.. He call again and again.. but no one answer...

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