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Andy stared out the window of the police car, rage filling his stomach. The chief was trying to make conversation with him from the front seat but one look back through the rear view mirror showed Andy wasn't paying attention. The chief returned his gaze to the road ahead of them and stepped on the gas, the car sped up and sharply turned a corner. Andy gazed up to the white fluffy clouds in the sky, his nostrils flared, he felt the need to punch something. He slammed his hand down onto the arm rest and the officer's head whipped around. He said nothing as he glared at Andy in the rear view mirror, he scoffed and turned his attention back to the road. Andy anxiously shook his leg as they made their way along the main road. Happy civilians walked along shopping and eating street food, "Tourists." Andy muttered underneath his breath, the police officer kept a stone expression as he nodded his head in agreement. "You think it's funny to pull shit like that? Burn down your whole school, as a joke!" He exclaimed. Andy rolled his eyes and the officer slammed his hand on the wheel, "It's because kids like you that my job is so damn hard!" He yelled. Andy felt himself starting to freak out again so he took a deep breath and went back to staring out the window. They lived in a small town, everyone practically knew each other. The main drag was always packed with citizens shopping in the cozy strip malls or the small boutiques with colourful exteriors.

The car pulled into the police station and the officer violently threw off his belt, he pulled open Andy's door and helped Andy get out. The handcuffs were starting to dig into his wrists leaving red marks along the bone, he winced as the metal pinched at his skin. The officer pushed Andy in front of himself and escorted him into the station. Andy had never seen a police station but it was exactly how he had imagined, secretaries were running around with stacks of paper in their hands, police officers were doing paperwork or bringing in perps from the streets. Andy's officer opened the door to one of the cells, and shoved him inside, "What are your parents' names?" He snarled, Andy looked down to the ground. "Do not make me repeat myself boy, I said what are their-" "I don't have parents!" Andy interrupted, the officer gave him a confused look, Andy growled at him "They are dead." The officer narrowed his eyes at Andy and spat at his feet. "You are here until someone, comes to get you." He muttered before walking away. Andy sighed and dropped down onto the cold metal bench, he looked at the wall and clenched his jaw. He really didn't have any family left. His mother was somewhere, no doctors, therapists or family members would tell him where she was. His mom had gone insane, she had so much mental trauma. He remembered as a kid always having to be delicate around her because anything would set her off. She was in the hospital every week getting medications or fixing an injury she unknowingly gave herself.

The doctor called them 'episodes' or 'waves' she would go full on mental. Screaming, burning and tearing everything in sight. She had officially been taken away when she had burnt their house down to the ground. Andy was told he couldn't visit her where she was because there was a high risk he could get hurt again. They always told him she would be better, she would come back to him and he, deep down, hoped she would. But as time passed and he grew older, the hope got pushed farther and farther down.

Until it disappeared.

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