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Months went by, Solice got well... Solice got bigger. She wasn't the most pleasant pregnant woman, but Damien stayed. He slept by her side every night, and woke up to her soft and peaceful face every morning.

Marian, Cassian and Erik had gone into Manhattan to deal with some legal stuff with the interdire court. Andy sat in his room, he pulled out the knives and sighed, dust coated the shiny blades, he'd never get to give them to his father. See his face light up as he carved with them. He sighed and dropped his head, he gazed out of the corner of his eye and picked up the phone.

It rang for a moment, one moment too long. Andy started regretting it, until—


"Uh, hi." He said nervously

"Andy is that you?" A voice responded

"Heh yeah." He chuckled

"Andy where did you go?" The person asked

"That's not important, are you safe? Where are you right now?" He asked.

"Um, someone came to get me, I'm with mom."

Andy froze, his mother? His mother was dead, or extremely critical at least. What was happening.

"Klare? What do you mean, where are you?" Andy asked worriedly

"Mom's apartment, downtown New York. She got out of the hospital a year ago Andy." Klare said calmly.

"And no one though to tell me this?" He responded

"Andy, you disappeared, I didn't know where to even get a hold of you." She said.

Andy sighed.

They talked for a bit longer until Klare had to go, it hurt Andy to hang up the phone but now he knew she was safe. And that his mother was too.

"Can you guys keep it in your pants until we get home?" Marian complained as Cassian kissed Erik on the hand. Cassian shot a glare her way, "At least I don't cuddle up next to my crush when I'm in critical state in the infirmary!" He shot back. Marian rolled her eyes but Cassian retreated from Erik. "Are you ready to become legal owner?" Erik asked. Marian wrung her wrists. "As ready as I'll ever be." She said looking out of her window, the sun was high in the sky representing the hot east cost summers. She hoped everything was going good at home, as she felt like everything would be ruined when she got back, knowing how much she trusted Andy. Solice, oh gods anything could happen to her while she was pregnant, Ciguapa pregnancy was very dangerous and she could have something happen to her at any moment, that's what kept Cassian's legs shaking the whole time he was in the car. 

Court was long, Marian felt herself wanting to yawn but she held it in. It would look so unprofessional to yawn right now, Cassian was just ready to get out of the court house so he could go check on Solice. He had never dealt with a Ciguapa pregnancy before and he felt so bad for leaving her. He felt so bad for leaving her in this sort of time, he could tell she was in pain, by the way she writhed in her bed at night. Damien did everything in his power to make sure she was comfortable and the baby stayed safe. Cassian had no idea how the birth would go down or how he would need to care for the baby but he promised he would. Which had him researching Ciguapa babies and about Ciguapa pregnancy. Since Ciguapas were so rare, let alone thier pregnancy, there was not many books regarding it, he tried his best to go into the archives and find any drop of knowledge about her and her pregnancy, he wanted it to go as smoothly as possible. So did she. 

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