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Eventually Cassian and Erik had to help Solice out of bed and upstairs, a portable IV rack following behind. The frontlines were already waiting for them, Xander held in a tight grip by Marian. It was time to take him to the Interside Court, for them to decide what to do with him. After explaining what he had done to the frontlines they were on board to help them get him behind bars. Xander looked down in shame as Marian shoved him out of the front door where the truck was waiting for them, strapping Xander into the backseat she made sure that the seat belt was extra tight, and locked. The rest of the frontlines piled into the car and Marian started the car, "Bare with me, it's been a while since I've driven." She said as the car lurched forward, everyone yelped and looked at Marian, horrified looks in their eyes. She laughed and put the car into drive as they started off the dirt road.

Everyone wore their nice clothes save for Cassian and Xander, Manhattan loomed up in front of them, the sun high in the sky, covered by the occasional cloud. Solice and Merida fell asleep on Cassian and Erik's shoulders as the quiet car ride brought them closer and closer to Xander's prosecution. Cassian stroked Solice's hair as she slept, her light breathing, warming a spot on Cassian's neck as he stared out the window. Watching the farmlands go by out the window, he had never been to Manhattan, he came from a small town right by the Academy and had never been away from home, he was so excited to see the big city. Erik could see the sparkle in Cassian's eyes and he smiled slightly as Merida drooled on his shoulder, he stroked her hair and traced random shapes on her cheek. Erik remembered the day he met Merida like it was yesterday, she was in pain, and very injured. She wouldn't let anyone from the frontline come close to her, not even the healers. 


Erik slowly inched closer to the little girl, she was crying in pain. I am Merida, a voice said in his head, he walked even closer to her and crouched down "Hello Merida." he whispered to her, a faint smile traced across her lips. Erik grinned and stood up, extending his hand for her. She slowly reached her hand out and grabbed onto his. He helped her up slowly and gently and she hugged him immediately, eventually Xander tried to get her back to the Academy. Erik had to end up picking her up and carrying her to the car, she fell asleep in his lap on the ride home and he stroked her hair and rocked her back and forth as Cassian treated her wounds.


Since then Merida was always the closest to Erik than anyone else, she became the voice he didn't have. He had come out to Merida before the rest of the frontlines, save for Cassian of course. She was like his little sister, and he would break anyone who hurt her. 

Cassian got more and more excited the closer they got to the city, Xander hadn't said a word since he got in the car and he just looking down in shame, which made Marian roll her eyes.

Cassian watched as the car pulled into Manhattan and stared at all the tall buildings in front of him, awestruck at the big city. 

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