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Everyone was sitting in the living room, it had been 2 weeks since the invasion. Everyone was getting better and starting to feel like themselves again. Erik sat cuddled up next to Cassian, everyone knew at this point and he was perfectly fine with they, if they had a problem with it, they could fuck themselves. Marian sat up next to Kinney, shyly holding her hand, Solice and Merida sat together, a stone cold expression on Solice's face. Marian giggled and stuck her tongue out at Andy, "Ha ha you are all alone." she teased. "Well at least I'm not ga-" Erik raised his eyebrows, "Say it, it'll be the last thing you say." he threatened. Andy slowly closed his mouth and turned red, "I'm... sorry Erik." he hung his head, Erik sunk back into Cassian's grasp and unclenched his fist. "Things have been pretty quiet lately," Cassian stated, "other than us recovering of course." he chuckled slightly. Marian sighed and shifted uncomfortably.

Andy sat in his room, he pulled a chain out of his pocket that held a small locket, it was Klare's but she had given it to him. In it was a small picture of him, Klare and his dad, that had been before everything had happened. He didn't know what had happened to Klare, she probably went too stay with her friends until someone came to get her. He couldn't lie, he had been worried about her since day 1. He had thought about calling her, but he had no idea who to call, or what he would even tell her. He twirled the locket around in his scarred fingers and sighed. He had found himself getting closer to the people at the Academy, they were like family to him. He pulled out a box from underneath his bed and blew off the dust on top, he slowly opened the lid and saw the shimmering blades in the candle light, his knives. The blade made of expensive silver and gold. They had been his fathers, he would carve day and night with these very knives. Andy remembered the day his father had given Andy his first carving knife, but instead of carving with it, it inspired Andy to make more. He wanted to travel the world and find all these exotic metals to make knives out of. He had a dream of making a whole collection and then giving them to his father.

Marian took a swig from her flask and sighed, the alcohol burned running down her throat and she coughed. Her through stung and she put her hand up to her mouth, to wipe away the blood she had coughed up. dark red blood flowed through the cuts on her wrist as she took another gulp of liquor. She put the bloody towel back over her arm and looked around the dinning room. The alcohol sloshed around in her flash as she looked around lazily. Her throat burned, it tasted of blood. Her vision started spinning as she took a big sip of the liquor, the rain softly pelted on the window as she finished off her bottle. She felt her head sway as she stood up, she stumbled her way to the door. Before climbing her way up the stairs. She made it to the bathroom without waking anyone and looked at herself in the mirror, she looked like shit. Her hair was everywhere and she was deathly pale. She rushed over to the toilet and hurled into the bowl, all of the liquor she had drank, left her body in a rush. She stood up slowly, her legs shaking and wiped her mouth on her sleeve, before hobbling out of the bathroom and into her room, before passing out on the bed.

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