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The group drove back in silence, after a long day in the humid packed city, they were exhausted. Erik finally pulled the beanie, that was covering his ears, off his head and flattened out his hair. Andy took off his sunglasses that were also concealing his fire red eyes. Everyone, once they discovered their magic, one attribute of them changes, commonly their eye colour according to their power. Solice was asleep on Cassian's shoulder and Merida was being coaxed back to sleep by Erik, Kinney was asleep with her head against the seat belt and Andy was staring out the window next to him, watching the scenery go by. Marian drove in silence, just the soft whirr of the wheels on the pavement. Xander had been proven guilty thanks to all the evidence the judge found, he was sentenced to life in jail with his power cuff, meaning he would die like a mortal, after a few years.

Marian had so many thoughts running through her head, now that Xander was gone, she was to take over the Academy. She wasn't sure she could do that, she had just celebrated her 268th birthday the week before, she hadn't even reached her maturing age of 300. She wasn't ready to lead a whole Academy, plus the Pit. She gripped the steering wheel tighter, Kinney yawned in the passenger seat and stretched her arms, Marian smiled and a thick blush ran across her cheeks as Kinney wiggled in her sleep. She felt her grip loosen as Kinney distracted her from her thoughts. Summer was just ending and most kids had returned to school, as they drove back they saw suburban homes and school yard with kids playing together, Merida looked out of the window and sighed, she had never attended a school, they took her from her parents before she could, but she couldn't access her powers for 6 years, Xander refused to take her home because he knew she had powers, when she was 10 she started accessing powers, Erik had known from the beginning. Sometimes Merida says that her powers are the worst thing that happened to her.

Most of the Academy came from a bad home life situation, causing them to access their powers early on. If there is something that pushes the kids out of a certain comfort zone their powers will come out.

Marian's parents fought and they hated Marian, she was always different. But as soon as she turned 19, they kicked her out, sold her belongings and drove her so far away from home she couldn't find her way home, she lived homeless for a few months before she learned that she could control the wind and air, she used her powers to survive until Xander found her. She felt tears back up into her eyes.

Merida's mother killed herself as soon as Merida was born, she still remembers watching her do it too. Merida has a stain on her cheek from her mother's blood, the Pit tired to wash it off but it stayed, as if it was a reminder that her mother was still with her. It has faded over time but never disappeared.

Cassian, his life seemed fine until a few weeks before Xander had found him, his uncle had come, butchered his parents, Cassian having to hide in his room as he heard his uncle calling him, telling him that everything was alright. Cassian's uncle left and Cassian stayed in the room until he had to leave for food and water, he lived in his house, alone for 3 weeks before Xander found him.

Erik was raised by homeless dogs for the first three years of his life after his parents abandoned him after birth, the dogs bean to pass away and Erik ran off to live by himself, except one dog who followed. Nox, Erik was taken back to the academy with Nox, who was then granted immortality.

Suddenly a call came through the radio on the car, "Marian, we have a 463 in Mapleton." Cassian looked up and met eyes with Marian in the rear view mirror. Kinney, who had woken up, looked confused, "What does that mean?" She asked, "Exposed supernatural..." Cassian said.

Marian floored it.

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