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Cassian returned to Solice's room around midnight, right before he went to bed. Instead of going for a quick check-up he found himself running into Xander. "Ah Cassian! Why are you not in bed boy?" Xander asked, Cassian turned bright red, "I was just going to bed, goodnight Xander." Cassian said quickly before attempting to step around him, Xander extended his arm to stop Cassian, "What are you hiding?" He asked, quietly, in a voice that made Cassian shiver. "N-nothing." He stuttered, Xander took a step closer to Cassian, the candle light defining his sharp features. "Do not lie to me boy." said Xander, "It's that Ciguapa isn't it?" Xander asked, Cassian stared him in the eyes, "No, goodnight Xander." Cassian slipped by him but felt his eyes on the back of his head the whole time. 

Cassian got down the hall and saw scratch marks on the lock and door, someone had tried to get in. Cassian fiddled with the key in his pocket and pulled it out with shaking hands, "Nervous?" Xander whispered in his ear, Cassian whipped around and held a dagger at Xander's throat in an instant. "Back away Xander." Cassian warned, a fierce tone in his voice. Cassian's gaze cold, glaring into Xander's eyes. Xander chuckled, Cassian's heart beat so hard that he could hear it in his ears, "What are you going to do?" Xander said with a smirk, Cassian's hands shook, he tightened his grip so his hands shook less as he pushed the tip of the blade to his neck, watching the skin dip under the sharp metal. 

Erik was lying in bed, waiting for Cassian to return, he was reading one of the old books Cassian adored to collect. His metamorphic senses were telling him to get up and go find Cassian, they were telling him that something was wrong, but he pushed those feelings down, until he couldn't take it anymore, he threw off the blanket and ran out into the hallway. The gut feeling got stronger and stronger, Erik started running faster, bumping into walls and tables as he sprinted down the hallway towards Cassian's old room. His sword gleaming at his side, he cut around one last corner and stopped dead, seeing Cassian with the tip of his dagger at Xander's throat. He just stared.

Cassian stared dead into his eyes, he had never felt this much emotions before, this man had raised him, taught him through everything. But he was after Solice, Cassian felt such a strong urge to protect her, he just wanted to push the blade into his neck. But seeing Erik round the corner made him freeze. Cassian made eye contact with Erik and saw a look of fear in his eyes, Xander slowly turned around, hands up in the air. He locked eyes with Erik and chuckled, "Ah, my two boys. That Ciguapa is leaving here, you either help me or you don't." He boomed, Erik placed his hand on the pommel of his sword and slowly unsheathed it. He pointed it straight at Xander and advanced slowly. 

"You raised us, we were mutants, yet you still took us in. What is wrong with Solice being here?" Erik asked, his voice deep, his eyes glowing red. His ears perked up and he rushed for Xander's throat, his blade parallel to his throat in seconds, "She has put us all in danger. I want to get her out of here, they'll track her, find her and kill me along with her." Xander said, Cassian frowned, "Who are they?"

"Grendels." said Xander. They heard a scream come from Solice's and Cassian went running, Erik stayed with Xander, blade at his throat if he decided to move even a millimetre.  Cassian slammed into the door and the lock broke, the door went swinging open and Cassian stared at Solice laying on the floor, clutching her stomach. Tears rolled down her face as she hurled beside the bed, Cassian rushed up and dropped to his knees beside her, holding her head up. Her lips turning green, "Biocide..." He muttered. He picked her up and rushed her to the medical wing.

Xander was the only one with access to this kind of poison. With the help from some people from the Pitt, they locked Xander up, putting a Magic Resistant collar around his neck. The MR collar injected serum into his viens, disabling his powers for the time being.

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