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Craig's PoV

Saturday. (Next Day)

After I had gotten coffee, I went back home.

My dad was passed out on the couch, thank goodness, and my mom was no where to be seen. Most likely pounding shots at a bar. Ruby was up in her room doing the load of homework she had gotten at school.

Basically, I got fucking lucky in more ways than one.

After I gave the barista my name, he nonchalantly pointed to my cup. I gave him a questioning look, but as soon as I left, I noticed the scraggly writing of numbers. It made my smile even bigger, which gained a few surprised looks from some of the kids from my school, especially Cartman.

And no, I didn't look like a serial murderer, it was a genuine smile.

Once I had made it home I immediately went to check on Ruby, then went to my room. I think she noticed he different air of happiness around me, but she didn't push. That's one of the things I liked about her, even though I'd never let her know that. She knew when to not push people's boundaries.

I flopped onto my bed with the paper cup in my hand and smiled inwardly to myself. I wanted to call the number, or most likely text a 'Hello," but I decided to wait. Instead, I snuck out to my room with a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. I had set the cup of hot coffee on my bedside table and decided to drink it later.

I lit a cigarette and sucked in a deep breathe. A few moments later, I felt my body start to relax. I stayed on top of the roof for a while, staring at the setting sun. My mind was at ease for a bit, until a certain someone's smile flashed across my mind. It caused me to freeze up. I had never really thought about a boy in 'that' way before. Well, besides Stan, but that was a one time regret.

I'm not sure what compelled me, but I pulled out my phone while sitting on the roof. I stared at the blank screen for a second before putting out my cigarette and climbing back down into my room.

It wasn't to early to text was it?

I mean, I did just get his number a few hours ago, and I really wanted to get to know him even if it was just as a friend.

I slowly crept over to the small table by my bed that held a simple black lamp and the cup of lukewarm coffee. I gingerly picked it up, and turned it to find the start of the number. I then carefully tried to put the numbers in my phone with precise tapping. The only downside was that my hands were shaking like crazy from the nerves of fucking everything up.

After a few minutes that felt like hours, I had successfully entered the coffee guys number. Now just to put in a name.

Oh shit.

I racked my brain for his name multiple times, coming up blank every time.

I mentally punched myself before sighing, and sliding down to the floor, by my bed. I pulled my hat over my eyes and suppressed a scream.

Why was I acting this way over some random guy?

I wasn't gay.

That was impossible.

I've had girlfriends before. This must be some weird ass prank my brain decided to play. Even if I was into guys, I couldn't tell anyone. My dad would beat my ass and my mom would watch, downing wine and vodka. I decided that I needed to clear my mind again.

I slowly stood up, pocketing my wallet again and plugging in earphones. Before long, I was yet again bobbing my head to the beat and smiling happily while walking down the street. It felt good to have something to somewhat look forward to again. Even though that something was a person who were raised to never take interest in.

I kept on walking, trying to ignore my confused heart, but ended up at the last place I expected to be.

Stark's Pond.

I hadn't been here in such a long time. I had stopped coming during my darkest depressive state about a year ago. I was just starting to come out of it again, so maybe I would be able to sit down for once and dream about the sky.

That's when I stopped in my tracks and saw the person who I couldn't get my mind off of.

The blond boy was sitting on a bench, with his legs pulled up onto the bench. He had his arms wrapped around his legs with his head resting on his chin. He looked so peaceful, and I didn't wanted to break the calm silence. The only noise between us was that of the crickets chirping. The only light was the distant sunset pouring over a few trees scattered around.

He was breathtaking.

I mean, IT was breathtaking. It.

I stood still in the same spot for a few moments, until the blonds phone rang. That's when I realized that it was placed on the bench right next to him, like he was waiting for someone to call.


I immediately felt a pang of guilt reverberate in my chest.

This is what I get for not reading a stupid name tag.

Before I could back away into the shadows, the blond boy saw me and looked up. His eyes quickly lit up and a small smile lit up his face. I felt my heart start to beat faster, but before I could turn and flee, my mouth opened and betrayed me.

"Hey, uh, sorry I didn't text sooner. It's just that I um, kinda sorta, forgot your name." I said quickly, stumbling over my words. A confused look flashed across his face before he slowly stood up, grabbing his phone.

"It's fine. I wasn't r-really expecting a-anything to be honest." he said, doubt flashing in his eyes. I looked down again, feeling angry at myself for a moment.

"Can I at least know your name?" I asked, starting to get a bit frustrated.

The boy looked me up and down before saying something that made me groan in annoyance.

"Not a c-chance Tucker. You're going to have to f-figure this out yourself." he said, crossing his arms, and walking passed me.

I pulled the sides of my hat down again, trying to cover part of my face before spinning around and grabbing his wrist.

He stopped short and slowly turned towards me, fear flashing on his face. Years of being the quiet one really helped with reading people.

"Can I call you later?" I asked impulsively. I immediately slapped the hand that had grabbed him over my mouth and started to back pedal, back towards town. My brain mentally screamed at me to shut up, and my fight or flight instincts kicked in.

Let's just say, I've never ran faster in my life, but, on the way back, I could make out a faint yell come from the cute blonds mouth.

"Anytime l-lover boy!"

I felt my face heat up. I knew that I had some serious sexuality debating that was going to happen as soon as I got home.

I wasn't thinking and slammed open the front door, quickly racing towards the stairs.

Before I could make it, someone grabbed me by the hood of my jacket and yanked me back.

Oh no, not this. Not right now.


Heya! It took me twice as long to write this chapter because I felt like if I added everything I wanted to, there'd only be four LONG ass chapters and no one would want that. Would they? Idk. But anyway, I'll work on Chapter three ether tonight or tomorrow morning. Hope you enjoy!


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