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(Abuse and Mentions of Panic Attacks.)

Tweek's PoV

Takes place near the end of Chapter two.

"Anytime l-lover boy!"

I can't believe I yelled that.

Craig ran away, sides of his hat flopping with every step he took. I felt my face heat up, and immediately started shaking.

I cannot believe what I just did.

I always knew that I liked guys. I mean, there were several gay guys at my old theater club, but they were all boisterous and open about it. It was always harder for me.

I was so pleased with myself to be honest. I had made a new acquaintance, given him my number, and made him blush in a matter of two unintentional meetings. The only sad part was that he had forgotten my name. Maybe he never read the name tag in the first place? I did have pretty crappy handwriting.

That's when I decided that if he actually went through with it, that I'd tell him my name. He just needed to text or call.I stayed at Stark's Pond for a little while longer, smiling softly to myself, and feeling a bit better about my situation.

After a while, I decided to get up and start heading home. Once I got to the door, I quietly turned the knob to find it unlocked. Of course. I sighed to myself for what felt like the thousandth time today and went up to my room. Once I was there, I kicked off my shoes, plugged in my phone, and pulled out a random bag of chips that I kept in my bedside table.

I wasn't exactly hungry at the moment, but decided to eat something anyway. I stared for a bit at my phone, then decided it was useless to keep wondering when I'd get a call. I searched around my room for a bit before pulling out my laptop. I quickly turned it on and signed onto Netflix. I was currently in the middle of a Red Racer marathon, and wanted to desperately finish it in time for the new seasons release.

So I sat there on my bed for a few hours, falling in and out of consciousness. I was growing closer to the season finale, when my eyes grew to heavy to keep up. I fell into a short dreamless sleep. I was never able to sleep for long, if I was even lucky enough to fall asleep in the first place. It was now nearing around 3 in the morning.

I was four episodes away, and decided to pause my show and go get a drink from the kitchen.

Once I came back with a glass of ice water, I realized that my phone had fallen on the floor. I set my glass down on the small table and reached down to grab it, only to get a flash of an unknown number calling me.

I immediately started thinking of the most absolutely terrible things I could. Maybe it was the police calling about y parents, or a gang member wanting to kill me for money. I waited for a second before shakily pressing the answer button.

There was slight silence on the other end that contained a bit of muffled noise. I heard a motor run by, maybe a car?

Then I heard a deep voice fill my right ear.

"Hey." he said.

I mulled over all of the introductory phrases I knew and decided to say 'fuck it.'

"Sup." I said.

"You're actually awake?" Craig asked. I could tell it was him from they way he spoke. A deep monotone voice.

"I'm surprised you actually called to be honest. I would've thought it was a prank number." I said, holding back a happy smile.

Craig was silent for a little bit, shifting his position a bit from what I could hear.

"Honestly, I did at first, but then I decided why not, and here we are now." he said. My smile broke free with force. I took a minute to sit down on my bed, the same way I had on the bench, before I continued speaking.

"Why are you up so late Tucker? That's bad for your health, you know." I said sighing. As much as I enjoyed talking to the enigma of a boy, he should've been sleeping. Unlike me, most people usually were able to sleep at night. I was somewhat curious as to why he wasn't.

Craig was silent for a bit before releasing a breathe I didn't know he was holding.

"Not important. Mind if I ask you something?" he said quietly. I mulled it over in my head for a bit. I didn't know this guy that well. Hell, why'd I even give him my number? He could be a fucking murderer for all I knew!

(Mentions Panic Attack; Warning)

I started to panic, which must've shown in my breathing, because a few seconds later I realized I had started hyperventilating.

"Oh shit, sorry. Dude are you okay? You sound like your panicking, so you're going to have to sit down and focus on breathing okay?" he said, voice laced with a hint of worry. Other then a smile that was the most emotion I've gotten out of the potential serial murderer.

I listened to his instructions, having had many attacks involving my paranoia and anxiety before. I didn't know what I was thinking earlier. I either had a choice of hanging up or not. My mind was fighting again, all of the possibilities were starting to stockpile.


I took a chance for once in my life.

"Tweek." I said rather loudly into my phone, and then hung up.

I then proceeded to chuck my almost dead phone at the wall and get back to watching Red Racer.

An hour or two later, I had finished the last episode and was pumped for the next season. I had almost forgotten what had went down earlier.

I went to go pick up my phone only to see that it had died. I plugged it in and rested my head on my pillow. I probably just ruined the first and last friendship I'd ever make here.

I rolled over onto my stomach, slamming my face into the pillow and unleashing an angry scream.

I was so ultimately pissed at myself for being so fucking stupid.

I stayed like that for awhile until my phone powered back on.

That's when I talked myself into looking over at it, only to see one message.

It was from Craig.

"What kind of a name is Tweek?"
Heya! Sorry if there's a lot of mistakes near the end. I wrote it on my phone while watching 'Goobacks.' I have an idea for what's to come for once and tbh I'm kinda disappointed with my writing abilities. I feel really mediocre at everything rn and I hate it tbh but I've been told I'm decent so eh it works. Until I update tomorrow, I hope you enjoy!

Lost in the Void. (Craig X Tweek) (Creek)Where stories live. Discover now