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Tweek's PoV

Friday Morning. (Slightly before Chapter 1.)

My eyes fluttered open.

I stared vacantly at my ceiling for a moment, before all of the previous memories of the week washed over me. I sighed, bringing my hands to my face and rubbing my eyes. I sat up, reaching for my phone that I had placed on my bedside table the night before. I felt around before I found it, pulling it towards me and bringing it to my face. 

It was about 8:30 in the morning. I sighed again before hauling myself up and out of my room, still in my pajamas. I slowly walked down the stairs, sleep still evident on my face. I found my mom in the kitchen making breakfast, and my dad no where to be seen.


I walked over to the fridge and pulled out a jug of orange juice. I then walked over to a random cupboard, pulling out a cup. I poured myself a cup of juice, then put the jug back. My mother never turned around once, only simply motioning to a mug full of coffee next to her. That was one of the things I despised the most about my family.

They were coffee addicts, and it didn't help that they moved us all the way out to a random shitty town in Colorado to open a business. Ever since I was little, they had always made me drink surplus amounts of caffeine that I only later found out was laced with drugs.

Who the fuck does that?

Ever since I found out about two or three years ago, I stopped drinking it cold turkey. It was extremely hard at first, but now it was a bit easier. All I had to do was keep a careful eye on what they gave me, and all was fine. 

I was pretty pissed at first to be honest, who wouldn't be? They had been pumping me full of the stuff since I could remember. That's when I started to develop certain habits of stuttering and paranoia. They took me to see countless doctors who just wrote me off as having ADD. They gave me loads of medication, that seemed to make everything worse. 

My parents had no idea that the main problem was giving their kid coke infused coffee sine birth. After I stopped drinking it, my ticks got a little better and my stuttering started to lessen. I still stuttered a lot when I was nervous though, which was a pain during school.

Speaking of school, I had to start all over again and leave the small amount of friends I had behind. My old school had an extremely small drama department, meaning everyone there became fast friends, other than the drama starters and shit talkers. I had learned a few years back, before the coffee and drug incident that acting helped me with both confidence and my speech problems. I could play a character and my stutters would turn into moments of striking confidence.

I ignored my moms attempt at getting me to drink coffee again. I chugged the glass of juice and placed the empty cup in the sink on the way back up to my room. Once I was back to my safe spot, I realized that I hadn't done much unpacking. I was supposed to work the afternoon shift at the store this afternoon, meaning I had plenty of time to start organizing my room. 

Today would be opening day at the coffee shop, so it would either be busy or a ghost town. I would start school the following Monday, after the weekend, which I was slowly starting to dread. I sat down in front of a random box and started to rummage through my belongings.

I pulled out a few things from my old town that made me a bit sad. The last thing though, brought a few tears to my eyes. It was a picture of my old school's drama club. We had done Beauty and the Beast, and I was Lumiere. 

Funny, I know. I had to be the shortest one there, but I was the only one that could make a decent french accent, as well as fit in the costume. We had a really low budget, okay?

Lost in the Void. (Craig X Tweek) (Creek)Where stories live. Discover now