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A/N; I didn't have it in me to write a bad scene for Craig so I skipped ahead, more will be explained later on. -A~C.

(Warning: Mentions of Abuse.)

Craig's PoV

A few minutes after Chapter 2.

I stumbled into my room, shakily locking the door behind me.

My head was swimming, and I reached up to touch my mouth. I tasted metal, and my eye was throbbing. I tried walking to my bed, collapsing on the floor, holding back a cry of pain. I could tell that one of my legs was going to be bruised beyond belief along with a lot of my face and side.

I pulled out a first aid kit I hid underneath my bed for this exact reason and started getting to work on cleaning up my cuts and bruises. I was debating going out later and if I would need any makeup.

One slow and agonizing hour later, I had wrapped up my ankle, patched up a few cuts here and there, and organized my pillows in a specific way that would help rest my bruised and battered body.

I went back into the same position I had been in only hours before, aimlessly staring up at the ceiling. I stayed that way for a while, falling in and out of a dreamless sleep.

Did I have a concussion?

No idea.

Did I really care at this point?


Around ten or eleven, I heard a sharp knock on my door. I slowly sat up, watching both my side and leg. I slowly made my way to the door, being extra quiet. I unlocked the door carefully, knowing that it was either Ruby or my mom. As soon as I unlocked the door, it swung open with a very worried little sister on the side.

"I saw everything. Craig, you need to be more fucking careful you asshole! He could've killed you." she said, halfheartedly flipping me off. I carefully pulled her into my room and locked the door again.

"Ruby, I've told you a million times that it'll be fine. You just need to stay safe for a little bit longer, then we can get you out of here." I said, wincing slightly as I sat down on the edge of my bed.

She scoffed before saying, "Look at you though! Your face is all purple and bruised and who knows what your stomach'll look like in the morning. Craig, we need to get out of here and fast. Who knows how long you can last with him always doing this to you." she said quietly, voice laced with venom.

She acted like she didn't care in public, but in reality, she was the best sister I could ask for.

"You could have a broken rib, or ankle. Hell, you could even have a broken jaw with everything he did down there." she hissed at me, waving her arms frantically. I sighed, rubbing one of my temples.

I gently grabbed one of her hands reassuringly, and that was the end of our conversation.

She walked over to my door, unlocked it and left. I sighed before pulling out my phone. Maybe I'd call him later, or maybe not.

I decided to try my best to relax, so I grabbed my pack of cigarettes along with my phone and lighter, and headed to the roof.

I carefully climbed out of my window and sat in my usual spot. I stayed that way for a while, taking in the scenario. It was a beautiful night, with the town lights glowing in the distance, and the sounds of slight music filling the air, from whoever was playing it. I sighed before pulling out one of my smokes.

I stared at it for a minute, turning it in my hands. I sighed again before chucking it away from me. I really needed to stop smoking. I shoved the pack back into my pocket and just sat there for a while. I got caught up in the night's sky, to the point where I completely lost track of time.

I climbed back into my room, pulling out my phone and staring at it for a bit.

I started watching random YouTube videos of game playthroughs. Around and hour later, I fell into another dreamless sleep. I woke up disorientated.

I tried going back to sleep, but failed every time. I was fed up with myself and just wanted some goddamn rest. I found where my phone had ended up during my fitful slumber and looked at the time.

3 AM.


I decided to say, 'fuck it.'

I snatched the now cold cup of coffee from my bedside table and quickly called the number. He was most likely asleep, right? No one would be awake at this time of day.

Boy was I wrong.

Our phone call ended shortly, and I was mentally kicking myself for fucking things up.

But now I knew his name, and sent him a simple message.

"What kind of a name is Tweek?"

Within moments, I got a message back.

"And What kind of name is Craig?" he texted.

I scoffed, before slightly smiling.

"It's better then having the same first and last name." I said, holding back a chuckle.

He then sent one middle finger emoji. I started dying of silent laughter, not wanting to wake my dad up.

We continued our conversation like this, well into the daylight hours of the morning. One of us would say something sarcastic, and the other would respond with a string of cusses. I was a bit happier to say the least.

The only problem I had was the sensation that maybe, just maybe, I was annoying him. Maybe I was being a dick. I for sure didn't want to bring it up, not this soon into the budding friendship. Especially since I still needed to figure out who I was.

Meeting the cute blond struck a chord somewhere in my heart. (A/N: YOU FUCKER'S DON'T KNOW HOW LONG I SPENT ON THIS SINGLE PHRASE.)

Maybe I was gay? Or at least into both girls and guys?

I decided to look into it while I was texting Tweek. I pulled up a page that explained a bunch of different things, but I ended up on bisexuality. I looked into a bit further and realized that maybe, that label fit me, at least for now.

I didn't want to approach the subject with him, in case this whole thing was a partial mistake.

We were still talking around 8 AM, even though we had around a half an hour gap between responses now. I had learned a lot about the small blond, and in return, he learned a lot about me.

Well, not everything, but that was a given. He just learned about Ruby, and my pet guinea pig Stripe #6. Numbers 1-5 had all died, the last departing a year back. I had decided to go back to the coffee shop later in the afternoon, after I had gained a bit of sleep, and found a decent concealer to help hide the bruise under my eye, and the cut on my cheek.

I told Tweek goodbye and laid down for a bit. I slowly fell asleep with a small smile on my face, thinking about the blond haired boy who somehow snuck into my heart.

Hell, maybe I was a bit gay.

But that's not the worst thing that could happen.

I just needed to deal with a few of my inner and outer demons, but who's to say he couldn't join along for the ride.

I smiled to myself as I got some well deserved rest.
Heya! Today was pretty good tbh. I made a new friend on insta but legit I was on the second to last sentence and my computer decided to do a fucking restart and I nearly had a panic attack. Thank god it saved to here tho. Phew. Anyhoo, I hope you enjoy this chapter and the ones to come!

Lost in the Void. (Craig X Tweek) (Creek)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin