~Chapter three~

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Word count-578

Sorry, I had no motivation but the next chappie will be better

Chapter three-"Theme Park"

We all piled into Liz' honda pilot, Luke and I in the back. The parents wouldn't tell us where we were going but we assumed it would be boring. After a half hour we arrived at a theme park. "We figured you guys should get to know each other better at the theme park!" Liz exclaimed. "Thanks." I smiled. Luke and I got out, and went to get tickets. "I'll text some friends to meet us here." Luke said, pulling 0ut his phone. We waited till his friends showed up, three boys rounded the corner. Luke smiled, his friends soon joining us. "Paisley, this is Calum," He said pointing at a tan boy with a few tattoos and black hair. "This is Ashton," Luke said, gesturing to a boy with blondish brown curls and dimples. "And Mikey." He finished, showing a boy with red hair. "Hey." I smiled. We walked into the park, going to the roller coaster first. "Can I sit with you Pais?" Calum asked. I smiled, "sure." No one had called me "Pais" in a long time, I almost forgot you could shorten my name. The ride started, throwing all of us back. It soon ended, all of us laughing. We got off and saw our photo, we all decided to make silly faces, honestly we all looked cute. "That's so hot." Calum joked. "No kidding." I replied. We spent the time till lunch going on rides. We all decided it was time for lunch and went to a food booth. I ordered fries and went and found a table. The boys joined me quickly, sitting down. "Don't say anything that Luke may take as teasing, he'll kill us." Michael said sitting down. "Okay?" I replied eating a fry. Luke walked over to the table, he looked angry but nonetheless hot. He sat down beside me and Calum. I learned alot about them today. They were in a band together, called 5 seconds of summer. Ashton seemed the most sassy and cuddly, Calum seemed reserved yet funny, and Mikey seemed giddy and excitable. We decided for the last ride we'd go on the ferris wheel. Calum and I sat together. "Did you have fun today?" He asked. "Ya, it was really great." I replied. "Did you?" I asked. "Definitely, we haven't come to a theme park in ages." He replied. We talked till the ride ended. "Do you think you'd wanna go out sometime with me?" Calum asked. "Are you asking me on a date?" I smiled. "Maybe?" He said. "I'd love too." I replied, giving him my number. We finally left around six thirty. "We should go to the beach!" Ash suggested. "Totally!" I said from the back. We went to the beach, the warm sand hitting our feet. We all decided to swim though none of us had bathing suits. I took my top and shorts off and ran to the water, the bra I was wearing looked enough like a swimsuit, it was baby blue with bits of white lace. "Don't even think about it." I heard Luke growl to the boys. The water felt icy but refreshing, the boys joined me. Luke picked me up and I gripped his broad shoulders, I never noticed how toned he really was. "You look good." He whispered in my ear. "Thanks?" I replied. "I think we've got a problem." He said. "What's that?"

"I wanna do unimaginable things to my step sister."

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