Chapter 2

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-G: "So all this began with the disintegration of families. But who would have been interested in doing this? "

-Exceptis: "I would like to be able to give the name and surname of each of these" enlightened ", but this now can only interest God. In addition it was useless to ask, since it was not the will of the summit to move everything, but the thrust of the base. What my parents called "anti-conformism" had become "normal" and was therefore a widespread phenomenon, both silent and devastating.

-G: "But I do not understand well, what were these phenomena so disruptive?"

- "Then I go straight to the point. If we want to start from the beginning, I can mention some very simple ones. Divorce, abortion, marriages and homosexual adoptions and ... "

-G: "Wait, wait grandpa, stop a second. In what sense? Would you like to tell me that all these things were so common? When I said "disruption of families" I would have thought of quarrels, misunderstandings, selfishness, but not these abominations. "

-Exceptis: "Know instead that what you call" abominations ", were once called" rights "and the paladins of laicity were even called" conquests of civil society ". If you knew how much I hated a particular phrase, they would show off as a weapon that they liked to use for their arguments. "The state must be secular". A phrase that means everything and wants to say nothing. Another commonplace son of the most unbridled relativism. It is true, we lived in a multicultural society, but what future does a people have to sacrifice the Truth that was revealed to them only to tolerate the opinions of all? Death, and so it was. Death and desolation. We had forgotten that in the beginning it was not "the State", but the Man. A Man revealed to us the Word of truth and not a law, a decree or a party.

-G: "I can not imagine how one could orientate oneself in such a chaotic situation. But where was the church? Where was God? "

Exceptis: "They were in the usual place they had always been. As the father waited for the return of the prodigal son to the door of the house, so was God with humanity, who was content to eat the carob beans to give to the pigs. "

-G: "But how could you be calm even allowing you to deny life to those who can not defend themselves? We are talking about a child still in the belly of mom,"

-Exceptis: "Did you say" life "? Tell me Gabriele, what is life for you? "

-G: "Mmmh I would say that it is the greatest gift the Lord has given us. Did I answer well? "

-Exceptis: "You answered very well. The greatest mistake was in fact to consider life a right and not a gift. The gift is something that is yours, but you always remember that there was someone else who decided to entrust it, giving up something to make you happy, through a sacrifice, and you know that you have the responsibility to use it well. The right, on the other hand, is selfish. It's yours, it belongs to you, you pretend it and nobody can tell you what you have to do. And the abortion was one of the results of this imaginary "freedom of choice". There was a real subversion of the concepts, to make them more appreciable to the masses. Gift = right. Abortion = voluntary interruption of pregnancy. A great writer called it "neolingua". And I could give you many other examples. In short, dear Gabriel: we had completely turned our backs on God. We were the men, the center of the world. We considered ourselves to be perfect beings, able to always have the right answer at the right time, to reach knowledge and be able to distinguish good from evil only by using rationality. "

-G: "But why all this aversion to God? I do not understand."

-Exceptis: "Aversion? Ahahaha maybe it was just aversion. There was a real hatred of the Lord. You go out every day and go for morning prayers with your friends, right? "

✝ 2084:☆CHRISTIAN AGE And Memories Of The Old World (English and Italian) ✝Where stories live. Discover now