Chapter 1

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(Y/N)'s POV

Finally... I get to go to high school AND meet my long time internet friend Michael! I am a bit too exited.

"(Y/N)!" I hear my father shout from the kitchen.

"YEAH?" I shout back at him. It's been 12 years since mom had left, he is a good dad... But he drinks a lot...

"Come get your breakfast and the bus will be here in like 20 minutes" he says with a calm tone.

I think for a moment. "OK dad!" I shout while coming out of my room and seeing the front door close, which i am guessing was my dad going to work. He gets payed pretty well for a guy... Like him...

After the breakfast I rush out the front door with my school bag and lock the door. Running to the bus stop I look around to see three girls in a small group near me. I decide to stay away from them.

"Oh look!" a chubby girl starts, "that must be a new student!"

"We don't care Jenna..." the tall brunette girl says. I look at the trio for a second and then notice the in coming bus. 

I get in the bus and go to the back, noticing the people giving me nasty looks. I soon notice a boy with a red hoodie sitting all by himself. I don't know why, but he seems... "Is this seat taken?" I ask him silently pointing to the seat next to him. "No it's still empty..." he replies looking up at me. I smile and sit next to him. "I'm new here, my name is (Y/N) by the way." i introduce myself to the boy next to me.

As soon as he heard my name he looked at me with lit up eyes. "You are (Y/N)?" he whisper shouted at me. I nodded my head being confused. "OMG, It's me, Michael Mell!" he whispers grabbing my shoulders. My eyes lit up as well and I hugged him tightly. A lot of students looked at us for a second and some of them started laughing. I backed off quickly and blushed at my mistake. "I am so sorry" I whisper still blushing. "It's no biggie!" Michael says with a big smile.

On the way to school we mostly chatted and laughed. At school we found our lockers, which happened to be right next to each other. Right next to his locker was a tall boys locker. Michael looked at the boy and turned back to me. I don't know if they knew or know each other, but they have some bad blood. The tall boy looked over to us and grinned at me. "Wow Michael, you got a girlfriend? I taught you were gay." he says looking at me up and down, which made me blush and feel very uncomfortable. Michael came between the boy and me and looked madly at him saying: "Leave her out of it Jeremy!" I guessed it was the tall boys name, Jeremy? Jeremy rolled his eyes and walked over to a short guy who loudly said: "Yo Jere boi, what was that what I heard, you and Brooke hooked up?" Jeremy only laughed looking over to me. "Maybe?" he said staring at me with a small shit eating grin.

Michael's POV

I really didn't like the way Jeremy  looked at (Y/N). I know he has something planned, i bet he is jealous i have a new friend! 

Rich'es POV

'Jeremy is looking at the new cute girl???'I think. "He is interested in that... Girl..." says my SQUIP who looks like Kremit the frog. 'Is that so?' i think at him...

Jeremy's POV

'The new girl is with Michael... She dosen't look like a real nerd. Shall I try her?' I ask my SQUIP. He just sighs and tells me to be careful with her, she seemed off to him... 'that's interesting...'

(Y/N)'s POV

Me and Michael get to our  first class, luckily we had the same class. After class I ask Michael about Jeremy. He tried to ignore the questions and invited me over to play video games with him, but I broke him. He told me that him and Jeremy used to be best friends until Jeremy swallowed something called a SQUIP. I miss heard it and taught it was a SQUICK at first... But I got it now.

I had to decline his offer to play video games at his place cause my father has strict rules and I am not allowed to stay at anyones place for long after school. And if he knows it's a boy... Oh boy...

After school I send Michael home and I learn a lot about him. I started to get a fuzzy feeling... After I left the area where Michael lives, I bump into Jeremy, literally bumped into him... I fell on the ground. He looked at me startled. He starts yelling at me and calling me names. Suddenly he gets a slap across his face by me. He looks at me with anger in his eyes, for a second I was actually scared, but he changed the way he looked at me and said:"Say, you're the new girl hanging with that loser Michael?" I don't answer him but he took it as a yes. "I bet you're already bored of him? I know a guy who sells somethings called SQUIP's." I look at him for a second and reply:"Is that the reason you two aren't friends? I really don't want it... Thanks for offering, I guess..."

Before i could walk away Jeremy said:"It's a gray oblong pill, quantum nano-technology CPU... The quantum computer in the pill will travel through your blood until it implants in your brain and it tells you what to do! It helps you to be cool, it helps you rule!" I just roll my eyes "Jeremy, was it? I'm not interested in a SQ-" He cuts me off:"You need it, its amazing! I promise you'll love it! Go to Payless  and there will be a man, give him 400$ and it's yours! Don't tell Michael!" and he walks off. I watch him, thinking if i should... Fuck it! I decide to go today! 

I rush home and grab my leftover birthday money from my money jar. It has exactly 600$... That should be enough. I rush to the door only to see my father coming in from the door.

"Hi dad!" I greeted him smiling sweetly.

"Oh, (Y/N)! Are you going somewhere?" he asks taking off his shoes.

"I need to go to the mall! Is that OK?" I ask him.

"Of cause it is, just get home before midnight alright honey?" he says smiling at me. I am impressed, he isn't drunk?! I smile at him again while nodding and hugging him goodbye. I rush out the door feeling guilty as hell.

Finally at the mall I go to the Payless shoes store, I am greeted by a man who is wearing a black hoodie. "Welcome to Payless shoes" he starts, "how may I help you?"

"I'm here for the SQUIP" I whisper to the man. He looks at me for a second. "You really seem like you don't actually need it... But oh well... Where's the money?" he asks. I show him my 400$ and he takes it and walks to the back and comes out with a box of ladies running shoes.

"Ladies running shoes?" I ask. He looks at me like I'm stupid, I'm not stupid. He opens the box and shows me what is in it... There is a ton of gray oblong pills, they smell minty. He lets me take  one pill. "Take it with Mountain Dew! I don't know why!" he says leaving to the back room while I walk out.

I look at the pill for a while... I decided to buy a MD from seven eleven and go home before taking the pill. I knew my dad would be out drinking so I could have time to myself.

I get home, go in my room and lock the door. I take the last glance at the pill and throw it in my mouth. I swallow it down with the drink. Nothing happened... I knew it was a waste! I sat on the bed waiting for ANYTHING to happen.

I give up on waiting soon and get up. Suddenly I feel pain go through me.

"Target male: inaccessible" a male voice says in my head.

"W-what the-" I get cut off by the voice.

"Calibration: in progress. Please excuse some mild discomfort." the voice continues.

"M-m-mild?" I stutter. 

"Calibration: complete. Access procedure: initiated." the voice says calmly. And with that the pain faded, or that's what i taught...

"Discomfort level:may increase." the voice says with a chill tone while there is multiple painful shocks going through me. I started crying holding back my screams while i fell on the floor. 

"Accessing: neural memory. Accessing: muscle memory. Access procedure: complete" the voice says while the pain finally fades away.

"(Y/N) [(Middle/Name?)] (L/N)..." the voice says sounding like its above me... I look up and see a man being created from pixels or glitches. I looked amazed but I knew I was terrified.

"Welcome, to your Super Quantum Unit Intel Processor..." there is a dramatic pause and he looks down at me with a smirk.

"Your SQUIP"

Please don't lie! (A Squip X Reader X Michael Mell fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now