Chapter 6

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(Y/N)'s POV

The words he say, it makes me regret saying it, maybe it's too early?

"I'm sorry (Y/N)... but I don't know  how I feel about you, heck, I dont even know if I'm straight, I might be gay," he says shockingly.

"Wait... What!" I look at him in shock. I didn't know he felt that way, and since when?

Michael laughs nervously and looks at me, "yeah, I dont know exactly, but I feel like I have a thing for Jeremy..."

"Oh my God... you should have told me sooner, but... you... you don't like me then?" Saying that makes my stomach twist, I feel myself tearing up, it hurts to even think about this...

"Of course I like you, maybe not the way you do... but I like you as a friend, of course.." he looks at me.

I take a big gulp, holding back my tears, is this what friendzoneing is?

I get up "please excuse me Michael..." I leave towards the girls restroom. I can hear him calling my name, but I just run away from him, I tear up before reaching the restroom, but before that, a familiar face corners me, it's Jeremy...

"Why are you crying?" He asks pulling my chin up, looking at my teary cheeks.

"Let me go you asshole" I snap at him trying to get past him, but he holds me cornered.

Jeremy pushes me against the wall and makes me look up at him with my teary eyes, "not until you tell me why" he says to my face.

Jake sees what's happening I guess, he comes and pushes Jeremy of me, I stand there, eyes wet, mildly shaking. I take a long breath then rush into the ladies room I go into the nearest empty stall, I put the lid on and sit on it, curl up and cry.

Without noticing, a tall hologram figure is forming before me, he looks cold. Did he actually get over me?

"Why are you crying?" He says looking down at me. 'I-I... I was rejected by Michael', Eric sighs. "I am sorry I left you for so long, but I hoped you would have waited for me to tell you when it's the right time to tell him..."

I look up at him with my puffy eyes, he looks back at me with guilt all over his face. I whipe my tears 'Eric... I'm sorry I snapped at you yesterday...'
"It's alright, dont worry" he responds to my apology and looks away.

"Now stop being pitiful and get your emotional ass to class" he says to me, I sigh while my eyes and walk out of the stall, there's a short black haired girl washing her hands, she soon noticed me. "Oh sorry, you scared me... wait... were you crying?" The girl asks me

I sniff and nod, the girl comes to me and grabs my shoulders, "oh you poor thing" she tries to comfort me, she seems like a sweet girl, who is she?

"Christine" Eric says.
The girl Eric calls Christine smiles "do you wanna tell me what's wrong?" I slowly shake my head. "(Y/N) maybe you should introduce yourself" Eric advises. I sigh.

"Um... hi, I'm (Y/N), I recently started in this school.." I say. The girl lights up "a newbie, hiiii I'm Christine" I slightly smiled at her, this... Christie girl seems nice....

Eric's POV

I see a lot has happened since I was gone... Rejection by Michael, Jeremy's approach and Jake saving her from an uncomfortable situation. Oh gosh that's a lot.

I let the girls talk for a while, inhabit they are interrupt by the bell ringing. But it wasn't the school bell, it's the fire alarm, I see (Y/N) having a little panicking moment, but Christine puts her hand on her shoulder and guides her out of the building, I follow along.

The whose school gets evacuated, everyone is here, Jake, Jeremy, Chloe, Brooke, Michael... Jenna... where's Rich?

"(Y/N), Richard might still be in the building..."

She slightly looks at me 'do u think he set something on fire? Or did he turn on the fire alarm?' I think for a moment, but I guess it was too long for her, she went running towards the school, the teachers were trying to stop her but she got past, I see Michael trying to call out to her, but shes focused on going in, I follow behind.

She stops in the hallway, looks around and starts running down and yelling his name, it disgusts me. She's trying to play the hero, running down the hall...

"RICH!? Riiiiich??" She yells running Down the smokey hall.

It took a while for her to find him, he set the kitchen oven on fire, now (Y/N) is getting him outside till they can leave...

The teachers scold her for a while, if the school wasn't evacuated, I'm sure she would have gotten detention...

(Y/N)'s POV

I'm hella lucky to get home, I think I lost the girl I met in the crowd... and I think Michael went home... at least Rich is safe... I'm honestly glad Eric is back, I can feel him staring at the back of my neck tho.... stop...

He actually stops, feels better, we reach our house and I go in to be greeted by my dad. "Hey dad" I say as I see him, he looks kinda angry... oh no

"So do you wanna tell me why you went into the burning school? You know it's dangerous! What if u got hurt?" He starts, I hear Eric sighing next to me.

"I'm sorry dad, I was trying to save a fellow student, I found him and got out of the school in time." I tell him, before he starts scolding me, I hear the doorbell ring, wonder who that could be...

My dad sighs and goes and opens the door, I look at the boy standing there. It's Jeremy... I look at Eric just to see his face just as confused as I am feeling. Why is he here?

"Yes hello? How can I help you young man?" My dad asks him. Jeremy looks at me and smiles, "I'm here to pick my girlfriend up", hearing that my SQUIP frowns and I glare at him.

"What!?" My dad shouts and looks at me. I shake my head "I dont even know him"

Jeremy looks at me with sad eyes "but babe, we have a date today, you promised you would come."

I snap at him "leave! You back stabbing stalker, just leave me alone, its enough you approached me in the hall today, but coming here, to my dad's house is un acceptable!"

Jerry looks at me confused, he wasn't expecting me to argue back, I just go and shut the door in his face. My dad looks at me surprised and concerned.

"Honey, does that boy bother you?" He asks me gently, I nod to that. He smiles gently and cracks his knuckles, "oh dont worry dear, just go to your room, I'll deal with this boy and I'll make sure he wond annoy you ever again, ok?", I look at my dad, not questioning his was and just nod, I leave to my room as I hear my dad leaving the house.

That's scary... "I agree" Eric says as he sits on my bed. I decide to sit next to him. He takes a quick peek at me before getting up.

"Its not fair..." I say to myself, Eric looks at me and sighed, "I could have warned you..." I look up at him, "so Eric... um... how are you feeling now?" He looks out my window "no... i did not get over you, it's too hard for me..."

I look down, sigh and lay down, thinking this all is just a dream and I will wake up from it any minute... just waiting for the right time...

Without realizing it, I drift into a deep sleep...

Eric's POV

I don't think you can get over anyone if you're not even supposed to love... it's hard... I feel like a mistake in her system, like another personality... but I just exist in her mind...

And not only that, I start to question, why was she given a SQUIP anyway? It's not like she really needs me... maybe I need her?




"Do I need you (Y/N)?"

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jul 26, 2019 ⏰

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Please don't lie! (A Squip X Reader X Michael Mell fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz