Chapter 4

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I wake up to an empty bedroom of mine, I have missed this... I have been here with Eric for so long... 

This is the moment I realize I haven't seen Michael since yesterday... Interesting... I get off my bed, get dressed and as I finish I hear the front door close... Dad had early work... I look at my bedroom door and see the blue figure. It's blurry... But I know it's him... I just kn- 

All I see is blank...

Eric's POV

What! She collapses on the floor, she seems too pale right now... What happened? 

I go over to her and touch her skin... It's burning! She has a bad fever... Oh this is bad... I have no choice... I have to go on my physical form and get her back in her bed... As I think so my skin becomes elastic... I pick (Y/N) off of the floor and set her on the bed, pull over her covers.

Soon I realize her fever is slowly going down, but she won't come back to reality... I wonder what can she see in there... Wait a second... I could see what she sees... But she needs me right here more for now...

Soon she recovers her consciousness and she looks at me confused. She rubs her eyes. I touch her forehead, as I do her eyes go wide.


H-he can touch me... And I can feel him!?

I jump at that and he just chuckles.

"I see your fever has gone down..." He says calmly brushing my cheek.

"I had a fever?" I ask him, while I try to touch his hand. His hand is pale and soft... So perfect...

As I thought that a blush appeared across his face and he took his hand off my face.

"Ah... You should get some more rest... You can go to school again tomorrow if we are lucky!" He says while getting off the side of my bed and I can just feel he himself turned digital... Well, that sucks...
"Why?" He looks at me and asks.

"Heh?" I look at his face confused. 'Oh crap, I forgot you can hear my thoughts...'

"Oh... you know I can do much more than read your mind..." He smirks... I don't get the message! What???

"J-just get rest..." he says with an unsatisfied voice. I nod.

"Wait! Eric!" I react.

"Hm?" he just hums.

"Was Michael sick yesterday? I realized I didn't see him at all yesterday!" I ask. My question seemed to disturb him and he frowns.

"Eric? ... Did something happen?" I ask with a serious voice...
"I am sorry... But I had to delete him from your view..." he responds coldly.

I stare at the back of his neck startled... W-Why?

"Like I said... I am so-" he gets cut off.

"Why would you do that..." I say with a cracking voice... "You know how I feel about him... Why would you do that!" I keep talking.

" Y/N... Listen..." he starts, looking my way. "No! You listen!" I sit up and almost yell at him "If you know I am in love with him and you're supposed to help me with such things then why would yo-" now I get cut off.

"IT'S BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!" he yells... I freeze at his words. He looks at me with a hurt impression...

"But... But you can't! You are a computer!" I break the silence between us.

"I don't know why I feel this way about you... But please understand I did it for your own good... And maybe mine too..." he explains...

"Eric..." I say with disappointment in my voice.

"Y-yes?" he sounds almost scared...

"I don't think I should gain feelings for a computer in my head... You should try to wipe away those "feelings" you have..." I say harshly... the look on his face was pathetic... "LOVE" he says? What does he know about feelings?

Eric looks at the floor... "I'm so sorry... I have to go get an upgrade... I will be off for a while..." as he says that his body starts to fade... he is going in my mind... OK...

Eric's POV

I should have kept my mouth shut... I can't believe I said it straight to her face... She... Was serious, wasn't she?

I should try to forget about the "feelings"... Like she advised... A couple of days should do the trick! 


As I know he left, I sigh and sit up and feel a sharp pain go through my head... I think that is the signal to go back to sleep... Oh well... I lay back and try to fall asleep, it takes me a while but I get to fall asleep.

As I wake up I see my dad at the side of my bed looking down on his phone. "Dad?" I say. He startles and looks at me.

"Sorry did I wake you sleepy head?" he strokes my head and he stops suddenly.

"What is it, dad?" I look at him confused.

"How did I just now realize you have a fever..." he says laying his hand on my forehead.

"Oh! Well it isn't as bad as in the morning... It has gone down..." I tell him.

"If you say so... I'll go get you some medicine... and food you seem to be starving" he says and gets up.

"Thanks, dad..." I smile at him. He smiles back and leaves the room.

Eric's POV

I can't! Just can't!!! The things she has said keep replaying through my mind! 

Especially...  "His hand is pale and soft... So perfect..."

She didn't say it, but she thought it!!! It made my heart jump! It felt so wrong, but so right at the same time... Why do I have these thoughts in here??? I'm not even supposed to feel! So why?

So why do I feel this way about her...

Why am I in LOVE with my hostess...

Why have I fallen for Y/N?

Who even is she to me?

My hostess... She seems much more... A friend? Only friend? Why is it so difficult to understand this???

I am sopposed to know everything! Yet I am the one who has so many questions... Oh can someone help me awnser these questions...

Will I ever get over her?


Hey, you beautiful readers... I am sorry for not updating this for so long... I have school and other things going on now, and I recently started to write a new story called "Avery"!

Please enjoy reading when I update!

Till then! 


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