Chapter Six

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Chapter Six
Mall of Instagram
Elijah P.O.V

I sigh happily as the last topic to be mentioned for this weeks newpaper meeting was completed, we needed to talk to  the art teacher to get more pics from the anonymous kid who drew the pictures for us at random, I don't even know who our random person was, and I was the leader of the newspaper club, I approved of everything that happened with the newspaper.

I smile to myself as I remember the fact that I'm going to be hanging with Becca and Ginger, which would involve many pictures to be posted on Instagram, Ginger had eight million followers, and she only follows ten people, myself included, I had about three million and multiple of them where shots with my famous friends, or a part of Greenvive that I took myself with potential filters.

I personally wasn't that into Instagram but both Ginger and Becca were so I had to be involved.

I walk out of the school after making a small stop to my locker, and passing another that had rude things written on it and a p*nis attached at the bottom, I saw the janitor cleaning that locker out with a sad frown on his face, I bet he knew the student, he probably had to do this a lot because I've seen this locker being covered with multiple rude and offending things that would make me feel awful. A small thing in the back of my head screamed bullying and with that voice came Watson but I ignored it.

I hurry out of the school and towards the Audi TDI wheere I knew Henry was obviously waiting for me and I wave and smile at Henry who tips his hat at me.

I get into the car, and I'm finally able to drop the fake smile that I had to put up during the day within the school. I hated the fake people, they acted like someone who they weren't. I had to put up with them and would into my adult life.

I seriously would never understand why you'd feel the need to fake yourself. It was the one time I was actually happy for Watson, millions of people live trapped in the closet of sexuality, and he simply came out, regardless of the effects. With something that big I don't think I'd be able to reveal something like that, especially with the effects. I couldn't stand the bullying, but something told me, if I were gay which I'm not, but if I had been that the school would have accepted me but still deny Watson, which I seriously think is unfair.

GAW!! Stop, this thought is so worthless and stupid, clear your mind, reset, smile.

"To Becca's, Henry." I said smiling at the mirror where Henry was looking at me. I loved how he was obedient.

"Yes, sir." He said before heading towards Becca's, then we'd pick Ginger up and go to the mall, I know bad idea, large crowds but Ginger had personal security so it was fine. Those guards wouldn't let a single hair from a stranger land on Ginger. My dad demanded it. Ginger was a young star and dad loved to take the young, popular, famous, attractive ones and make them bigger, brighter, make their lives a book to read, a story to read, a ticket to purchase and merch to waste money on. I knew a store in the mall that had so much Ginger Merch, it was scary. I swear the guy who works at the counter is obsessed.

Arriving at Becca's, her younger brother Gabriel was running around will Ollie, the twins smiling as a small sprinkler was splashing them, making there brown hair stick to their foreheads, smiles locked on there three year old faces. Those two would never know they had a older sister, the only sibing they know they have is Becca and each other. Becca was sitting on the steps with her mom watching Gab and Ollie until Becca was the car and hurried over waving goodbye to her mom and her brothers who looked tempted to hug Becca. Becca climbed into the car and Henry already knew where to go next. We needed to find something to inspire Ginger. She hasn't made any new songs since her album 'Dream' came out a year ago. Her fans were getting impacient.

Waiting for Ginger's house, I looked over at Becca who was messing with her hair which look fine. I never invited Paige to these kind of hang outs, she was the kind of girl who made it all about her, and we'd not be able to help Ginger, she snapped at Ginger once telling her that her music sucked. I think she was on her period, or that's the excuse she used and it kind of made sense. I am still a virgin, and I knew Paige didn't like it. I wasn't her first boyfriend, and I knew she wasn't the pure little girl we knew years ago, but I liked the her I know now.

And yet, there was something holding me back from that and I don't know what it is. I would love for it to simply reveal itself but I knew nothing was that simple.

We pulled up in front of Ginger's home, which was like a mansion, and she burst out, a short dress, with pink and purple ribbons bursting from it, with the top being blue and she had the prettiest shoes on and her hair was pulled up so nicely. Yep, Instagram pictures will happen today.

She got into the car as well and we were off towards the mall. I was kind of excited for this afternoon of malls, shopping, Instagram, and crazy fans. It was going to be a good afternoon and I seriously hope we can help Ginger, who doesn't have a lot of friends due to the fact of her being famous and since she was people only wanted to be her friend because she was famous, I'm not like that because my dad is the famous one, I'm just the shadow son.

What's wrong with that?

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