What I Did For Love...Part 7

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“I mean it though,” I warned the girls, “Don’t tell the guys please!”

“Now why would you think we would do that?” Eleanor asked innocently

“Because I kind of figured how you guys role!” I said, “Now if you do tell them then I’ll…”

“Then you’ll?” Danielle asked

“Then, um next time you guys try leaving Zayn and I alone together,” I said, “I’ll just go back home by myself, and trust me I’ve done it before.”

“Now how can we believe you?” They asked curiously

“I’ll leave right now then if you don’t promise me that you won’t tell,” I said

“You wouldn’t do it,” Eleanor said

“Watch me,” I said

                I got up and walked out the door in my pajamas. Then I walked down the stairs and out the door. I started to question myself if I was making myself insane, but whatever. All I want is for Eleanor and Danielle to promise me they won’t tell. I started walking down the streets and heard yelling. The yelling became louder, and I looked up. Danielle and Eleanor were at a balcony screaming my name.

“You have a balcony?!” I screamed to them

“Yes!” Danielle said, “Out of all the things you say, you say that?”

“Yes?” I said

“You’re crazy you know that?” Danielle said

“I’ve been told that,” I replied,  “now do you promise that you won’t tell the boys, or do I have to walk home?”

“YES!” They both screamed, “WE PROMISE WE WON’T TELL!”

I smiled and said, “THANK YOU!”

Eleanor then screamed, “Now get your ass back up here!”

“Okay, I’m comin,” I replied and went back up.

                I couldn’t believe that it actually worked. Anyways, when I got there, Danielle and Eleanor had the door open. For the rest of the night, we talked and then we fell asleep in the living room. When we woke up the next morning, we got dressed and we went out for breakfast. Eleanor suggested Starbucks, since she loves it so much. Danielle and I agreed to go, and we went there. After we ate breakfast there, Danielle and Eleanor drove me home. They offered to walk me into my apartment, but I denied it.

                As I walked up stairs towards my apartment, I took out my key. When I got there, I unlocked the door. Then I headed into the bathroom to take a long hot shower. After I took my shower and got dressed I went to my couch to rest a bit. It has been crazy these past days, but it was absolutely fun. I texted Aurelian, but he didn’t reply back. The television was on, and I decided to lie down on the couch and close my eyes. All of a sudden I heard thunder and it started to rain. I looked outside and saw the pouring rain hitting the pavement. Lighting flashed and it illuminated the room. Oh how I love rain. I love the sound of thunder and how the rain hits the pavement. My phone started to vibrate and I answered it.

“Hello?” I said

“Hey (y/n),” Zayn said, “I was wondering if you were busy today.”

I laugh and replied, “I don’t think I’m ever busy. Why? You know it’s raining hard outside. What do the boys want to do today?”

I heard Zayn’s laughter and he said, “Well that’s good then. Um, actually the boys and I aren’t hanging out today. Um, uh, I was thinking that maybe you want to hang out?”

It was a good thing he wasn’t there. I was so shocked that it took me a minute to reply to him.

“(y/n)?” He asked

“Oh, sorry,” I said, “Yeah sure you wanna come over? We can’t really so anything, since it’s raining.”

“Cool, I’ll be there in a couple of minutes,” He said, then hung up.

                I started to panic and went into my room to wear something nice, casual, and comfortable. Minutes later, I heard a knock at the door. When I opened the door, Zayn smiled at me and had a huge paper bag in his hand.

 I look at it questioningly and he said, “I thought you would like something sweet to eat.”

“Oooh, thanks,” I said and welcomed him in.

“The weather looks nice doesn’t it?” Zayn asked seriously

I replied, “You like the sound of thunder and rain hitting the ground too?!”

“Yeah,” Zayn said with a smile, “It’s calming and nice.”

“Yeah, um, you want to eat on the couch, or something?” I asked

“Sure,” Zayn said

                We sat on the couch, with the television off and started eating the food. Zayn and I listened to the rain and thunder, while we ate some chocolate cake. When we were done eating, I put the trash in the paper bag and threw it out in the garbage.

“So,” Zayn said, “How was your sleep over with the girls?”

“It was fine,” I said, “Just talked about stuff. You know girl talk. Did you know that they followed us yesterday?!”

“Yeah, the lads told me,” Zayn replied, “Weird huh? Good thing they didn’t watch us at the balcony.”

“Yupp,” I said going all shy, “Can I ask you something?”

“Go for it,” Zayn said

“Um, do you really fancy me?” I said with a blush on my face

“I think you’re cute and have a wonderful personality, and the more I get to know you the more I like you. So, yeah I do,” He replied shy smile, “Do you um fancy me?”

“Um, I find you very attractive. Yesterday when we talked it was nice, and I got to know more about you,” I began, “Yeah I guess I fancy you, but I need to know you some more, which probably won’t be a problem.”

“Oh, I see,” He says with a smile, “so, then maybe we can hang out more often just the two of us, but secretly.”

“Yeah I’d like that,” I said with a smile

                The storm became worse, which made the power turn off.

“Are you okay?” Zayn asked

“Yupp,” I said

                Zayn’s phone rang, and he answered it. He was talking to one of the lads I think. My phone was low battery, so I just sat next to Zayn. A few minutes later, Zayn hung up and looked at me with wide eyes.

“What is it?” I asked

“The lads and the girls are coming here. They told me to come also. They all tried calling your phone, but you wouldn’t answer, so they’re worried about you. Now they’re checking on you,” Zayn said

“Oh shit,” I said, “Um how are we going to explain why you’re at my house, without them thinking that we’re on a date or something?”

“I have an idea,” Zayn says with a mischievous smile

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