What I Did For Love...Part 11

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Today was the day Aurelian was hanging out with us. It has been exactly 3 days, since Eleanor and Danielle figured out Zayn and my little secret. In those three days, Zayn and I have been hanging out ‘secretly’ with El and Danielle knowing, and the girls have been hanging out with me too. They have been a great help distracting the lads, and such. Anyways, the lads thought that we could all go bowling, since it was fun and a great way to talk to people. We agreed that everyone was going to meet at my place, like usual, and that we will be taking two separate cars, so Aurelian wouldn’t feel uncomfortable.

                Instead of hearing a knock, I heard the door swing open. Eleanor and Danielle have gotten used to going to my place, so they just enter it now without knocking.

“Hey El, Danielle,” I said to them while putting on my socks

They smiled at me and Danielle said, “Your friend here yet?”

“Obviously not Danielle,” Eleanor said

“Oh shut up Eleanor,” Danielle said, “I wasn’t talking to you.”

“Well he just texted me that he’s at the parking lot,” I replied, “Now listen, please be nice to Aurelian.”

“When have we ever been mean?” Eleanor said

“Oh I don’t know,” I said, “When we were at the posh restaurant, leaving me at the park, um oh yesterday you chased me with a knife!”

“Don’t take it personal,” Eleanor said with a smile

“We did it because we love you!” Danielle said

“So, Eleanor chased me with a knife because she loves me?” I asked, while I raised an eyebrow

“Yup,” Eleanor said, “I needed to save you from last cup of coffee. Caffeine is bad for you, so I needed to drink it instead.”

“Sure,” I said, “Whatever. Now please behave!”

“Don’t worry we will,” They both said

                The moment they agreed there was a knock at the door. I casually walked over to the door, while Danielle and Eleanor ran to the couch to sit down. Aurelian was standing at the door looking like he didn’t want to be here. I looked at him, and he greeted me with a smile.

“Hey,” Aurelian said as he was walking inside.

“Hey Aurelian,” I replied, “Danielle and Eleanor are in the living room.”

“Hello there!” Eleanor practically screamed, “It’s been awhile!”

                Aurelian gave her a head nod, and stayed by my side. I guess Eleanor won’t turn it down a notch. Now Danielle is my only hope. I looked at Eleanor and gave her a look, while Danielle nudged her in the arm.

“Hi there, Aurelian is it?” Danielle said

“Yeah,” Aurelian said quietly

“Don’t mind Eleanor,” Danielle said, “She’s a bit crazy.”

                Eleanor was about to say something, but Danielle and I gave her a look, which made her close her mouth. All of a sudden we all heard multiple knocks on the door. The girls and I rolled our eyes at the boys’ obnoxiousness, and us three went towards the door. Danielle opened the door, and she went towards her boyfriend. Eleanor went towards Louis and hugged him. Zayn and I made I contact and smiled at each other, but did nothing. I greeted Harry, Niall, and Zayn. Then the lads greeted Aurelian, and Aurelian just gave a head nod.

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