What I Did For Love...Part 64

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“How’d you find them?” I wondered

“Through people,” Zayn answered, “Hard to explain.”

                Zayn stood out into the streets to call a cab. I watched him with admiration. After a few tries, Zayn got the attention of one of the cabs. Zayn opened the door, and I went into the car. Zayn gave the cab driver and address, and he drove off. We drove in silence, until I heard a buzz. Zayn and I searched through our stuff, and discovered my cellphone.

I answered, “Hello?”

“Hey babes!” Louis lilted, “How are you?”

“Fine,” I replied, “I’m in a cab with Zayn. We’re finding a hotel right now.”

“Wait,” Eleanor interrupted. I guess I was on speaker, “You didn’t see the paper we put in your pocket?”

“What?” I questioned

“Harry,” I heard Lou in the background, “Did you put the paper in (y/n)’s pocket?”

“Erm,” Harry replied, “I thought I did, oh wait it’s right here!”

“Are You serious?!” Louis exclaimed, “They were supposed to get it, so they could get their reservations! We planned each day!”

“It’s fine,” I butted in, “Zayn and I stayed at a motel last night, and we’re changing destinations though.”

“Go to the Pestana hotel,” Eleanor said, “That’s where we set reservations for the two of you. It might be still there for you.”

I set the phone down, and told Zayn, “Go to the Pestana hotel. Lou, El, and Harry set reservations there.”

“That’s where we’re going,” Zayn said

I put the phone back to my ear, “We’re headed there right now,” I assured, “So what are you guys up to?”

“Hi!” I heard Niall scream

“Everyone’s there I’m assuming?” I questioned

“Yes,” Harry acknowledged, “Even Jordan…”

I could imagine the disgust on his face. I heard Danielle scold him, “Be nice Harry!”

“She’s obnoxious,” Harry retorted

“And you’re icky,” Jordan insulted

“What are you five?” Harry asked angrily

“What are you a caveman?” Jordan replied

“Shut up,” Harry bellowed

“Hey!” Liam interrupted, “Top fighting! We’re talking to (y/n)!”

I laughed, and asked, “Is that what you guys been up to? Listening to them bicker?”

“You’re about right,” Louis said, “So how’s your trop so far?”

“Wonderful, we ate at a nice restaurant, bought clothes, went to the beach, and other stuff,” I explained

“What’s the other stuff?” Eleanor questioned

“Oh you know,” I replied smiling to myself. Zayn looked at me weirdly, and I shook my head, “I got to go…bye!”

“Wait-,” Everyone screamed, but I hung up before they could say anything else.

“What?” Zayn looked at me suspiciously

“Nothing,” I said smiling to myself

                The rest of the ride was a comfortable silence. In a matter of minutes, we arrived at the Pestana hotel. It looked really beautiful, but think about Adelina’s motel. Anyways, we were greeted by a dozen employees with those cheap fake smiles. They were all wearing matching uniforms. The lady at the counter handed Zayn a room key, and we went towards the elevator. We arrived at our room, and I was gorgeous. Zayn and I set our stuff down. There were two French doors leading to a balcony with a view of Porto. There was one queen sized bed in the room, and I silently swore at the three. There was a little note that was on top of the bed. I took it, and read it.

Hey (y/n),

                Hope you get this letter. We emailed it so yeah….um well enjoy your stay :) and we hope you guys have a wonderful time doing who knows what. Louis planned your stay, so check your pocket for a piece of paper. Well yeah, that’s about it. Bye!


“What do you want to do today?” Zayn asked sitting on the bed

I looked through the brochure I picked up at the front desk. There were a lot of sights that I was interested to go to. One place caught my eye though. I lilted, “I have an idea, hold on let me change first.”

“What’s your idea?” He wondered

“It’s a secret,” I whispered, “Now hold on.” I got changed, and waited at the door. Zayn looked at me weirdly, and I questioned, “Are you coming or not?”

“I’m coming,” Zayn replied following me out the door with a suspicious expression

                He was a couple feet away from me, and I called a cab. I showed the cab driver the brochure, and he nodded his head with a smile.

“Where are we going?” Zayn asked

“You have to wait and see,” I said with a smile

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