Toms last date

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The next day you got ready to go out with Tom. Tom said he was going to take you somewhere where you have never gone before. You got excited about what was coming. He picked you up early in the morning and went and got some coffee. You realized he's not much of a morning person cause he didn't talk much. You didn't mind because you just enjoyed being with him. After coffee, he took you to a big warehouse looking thing. You stepped inside and was immediately taken back. It was the set for the new Marvel movie. You saw the crew and the directors. You feel like your going to get lost. Tom looked at your face and smiled. He liked that you admired his work. He took your hand and you walked to his trailer. He got his makeup done. He started messing around.

You started laughing at his goofiness. He started talking to you after his makeup was done.

"Hey beautiful, sorry I have been a little quiet."

"No, you're fine, its fun to see what your like at work."

"Ya, this whole thing, its kinda overwhelming but you get used to it."

"Oh cool."

Someone knocked on Tom's door and came in. It was Robert.

"Hey, Tom. And hey pretty lady friend of Tom's that I forgot the name of."

"It's (Y/N)"

"That's right. Anyways Tom your on in 20 mins."

"Ok 'Mr. Stark'"

You both laughed and he smiled.

"I'm going to get you for that one kid."

You watch Tom do his Spider-Man thing. He is way more flexible than you. Like how can the human body do that? After work, Tom takes you to an arcade.

"Why are we here?"

"Well, I thought since today was kinda boring with work that I would take you out."

You both had a great time playing all the games and earning tickets. There was no other way you would want you to spend the day.

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