chapter 2 pt.1

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The rest of the day yesterday was people coming to my door and saying hello to me, each one bringing a gift, i had gotten an apple pie, seeds for a tomato plant, an earring but only one, and a hair tie. All of them girls who lived in the dorms and were on a lower floor.

Three knocks sounded on the door and i mumbled a little and i sat up, "hey sorry to wake you, but it's time for your tour," she says and i nodded and i rubbed my eyes a little and i sighed. "Come on sleepy head, time to get up, your clothes are already for you," she says and i crawled down from my bed and i started to change my clothes sleepily, "God child, have some decency," she says and i frowned, and i saw Allen's form in the hallway and i screamed and i jumped back and he jumped too, so did Diana who jumped a little out of my high pitched noise.

I jumped all the way back, so far back i ended up jumping out the fucking window, i literally jumped out the fucking window, the glass broke behind me and my memory comes back of this being the fifth floor. Well i'm fucked.

I feel my body falling back and i feels someone's hands catching my body and i feel myself almost floating like, "oh my, is that the new girl?" i hear and i open my eyes, sunlight blinding me for a moment. Someone holding, and then they landed, it was a women with long dark hair pulled back into hair, she landed and set me down gently.

Then another person approached me, a young lady, she actually looked my age and she was eating crackers or something like that, "i believe it is the new girl, Miss," says the one who had caught me.

"Hmm, well, hello, newbie," she says and i nodded.

"I see Diana is taking great care of you," she says looking up.

"Are you alright!?" Diana asked as she looking down from the window and i looked up, i gave her a large thumbs up and she nodded, she looked over to the other girl, "could you send her backup?" Diana asked yelling down at us, and the girl scoffed and grumbled a bit under her breath.

"Hey new kid, be more careful falling out of windows and all, i won't always be here," she says and i nodded.

"I'm sorry, i had forgotten i was here," i say and she cocked a brow, but she nodded.

"I'm going to send you back up, alright, try not to fall again," she said once more and i nodded. Whom i assumed was her god, picked me up and flew me back up into my window and i crawled in, Allen was outside my door and the woman floated back down and i waved. They both waved as i looked back to Diana.

"I'm sorry diana," i say and she came over to me and hugged me. I squirmed slightly at the amount of touching and she soon let go.

"Don't ever jump like that, alright, jeez you scared me, lucky Ana-marie was there," she says shaking her head at me and i nodded.

"I'm sorry, i'm just used to being woken up and having to dress quickly," i say and she cocked a brow but she nodded.

"Well, get ready, we're late," she says and i nodded.

She handed me my clothes that looked to be washed and folded, but that wasn't how i had left them last night. I slipped them on, and i though for a moment, i probably should wear some shoes, walking around in just socks is probably not good for my feet. "Diana, do you think i could get some shoes?" i asked and she chuckled a bit.

"Of course, but are you ready?" she asked and i nodded my head, "great, so let's go, and we'll get you some shoes tomorrow, we don't have much time till you have to meet the principal," she says and i nodded once more.

We walked out of the door and Allen was pacing around outside, when we walked out he looked at me and i frowned a little, "sorry for screaming," i say to him and he frowned, then ruffled my hair like Diana does.

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