Chapter Three

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Deans P.O.V

I get to the motel , get Cas put of the back bridal style , run to our motel room and unlock it , and go in shutting and locking the door behind me. I run and put Cas on a bed reluctantly taking his shirt and trenchcoat off to look at his wound. I look at it , it's a deep cut. I sigh loudly , loud enough to somehow wake him.
"D-dean. Where am I " Cas asks very weakly
" We're at the motel." I say still crying a little , I've never cried so much since my mom being killed by the Yellow Eyed Demon.
"N-night Dean" Cas says as he passes out once again from the pain. I grab supplies to wrap his wound and get to work. About half an hour later I'm finished and he's laying in the bed , shirtless in my shorts , I put him in those to try and make his sleep more comfortable for him. I get a text from Sammy saying he got a separate room , because he knew I wanted alone time with Cas. I put my phone up , put some PJs on , and pass out beside Cas , he smiles as I lay down because he can sense when I'm near him. I smile slightly before passing out beside him.

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