Chapter Five

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The pic above has NOTHING to do with the chapter. I just thought it was funny
Deans  P.O.V

It's been about an hour since Cas and I kissed. Sam walked in and FUCKING RUINED THE MOMENT! He wanted to tell everyone. But me and My Angel cas yelled no! Sam went back to his room. Probably telling everyone , just like Cas and I said not to. Cas passed out again , still in some pain. I calmly pulled him onto my chest , stroking his hair for some reason, it seemed so... Natural I guess. *Yawns* damn i'm tired I'm going back to sleep.
Castiels P.O.V

I wake up to Dean stroking my hair.
" Dean. What are you doing? A-and why am I on top of you?" I said blushing horribly
" I-I thought it would be ok. I'm sorry. Do you want me to stop?" He asked , kinda scared.
"It's fine. I was just curious. I'm going back to sleep Dean. " I say as I fall back asleep. But before I fall asleep fully I hear Dean say
"I love you my Angel " then I fell asleep smiling and blushing horribly.
~~~A time skip? Damn!~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I wake up again. But I'm alone in the bed. It's almost like he could sense I was worried.
" I'm right here Cas. I'm just watching TV" he said.
"Oh ok. Thanks for telling me. " I said , Actually thankful for him saying that.
" No problem Cas" he said. He walks over to me , sits on the bed , sits me up , and kisses me. I kiss back of course. For a minute somehow forgot the kiss we shared yesterday.
"I love you , My Angel " Dean says before kissing me again.
"I love you too Dean" I say , in between kissing him. We finally stop when we hear the door handle shaking , it's Sam.
"Hey guys. Did I miss anything?" Sam asks , looking tired , out of breath... Like he had been making out with someone.
"No. But who the hell were you making out with?" Dean asks. Like he could hear my thoughts.
"U-um... No-one!" He lied. Then Gabriel ( my brother) pops into the room.
" It's me. I'm the one he was making out with" Gabriel says , making Sam flush with red.
" Gabe! Why would you tell them?!" Sam yells slightly angry but 99% flustered
" Because I wanted to. And you know you can't get mad at me Moose." Gabriel says. He knows he's right. Sam could never get mad at Gabriel.
" I know. I kn-." Sam says , getting cut off my Gabriel kissing him , Sam got even redder than before , but he kept kissing him and didn't stop until,
" Ok. Break it up Lovebirds!" Dean yelled. Causing Sam to pull away from Gabriel.
"Get a room you two" Dean says. Then Gabriel starts dragging Sam to their room. After they're gone Dean shuts the door, comes back to me , and starts kissing me again. After a minute he stopped kissing me , kisses my forehead , and goes back to watching TV. But he's laying beside me , with his arm around me , I lean on him and he smiles. And with that I fall asleep again! Mainly because I was still in slight pain , but also because I knew my love was right there.

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