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A/N: So I got carried away again that I have to split this chapters into two parts. It's kinda rushed so please bear with the typos. I actually love this chapter because Saki is going to meet someone. 'Kay, enough talk. Enjoy reading!



The TV flashed before my eyes as I continued changing the channels. I'm currently at Nii-chan's, since I have no work today, lying on my stomach as I pressed the remote buttons. Nii-chan is beside me, reading a manga. And Genos is washing the dishes. What a great man my brother is, letting his disciple do the chores. But Genos always insist so I can't scold him for that.

"Sensei," Genos called and I glanced at him at the corner of my eyes. He's steaming the dishes with one hand, while the other is holding the phone. "You have moved up to Rank 2 in Class C." He announced and looked over Nii-chan who kept reading.

I stopped playing with the remote and excitedly propped myself up with my elbows. "Oh? That's cool!" I exclaimed looked at my brother. "I think one more major fight and then you'll be immediately promoted to Class B."

"Class B, huh?" He muttered to himself before looking up to his disciple. "That means I won't have anymore weekly hero quotas, right?" He asked.

"Correct." Genos' phone suddenly rings and he excused himself, walking towards the door.

"What a busy guy..." Nii-chan said before snatching the remote from me.

"I can't believe you managed to rise up the ranks that fast. To think that in less than a month, you're already at Class C Rank 2. And just a little push, you'll enter Class B in no time!" I beamed at him as he switched the channel to the news.

"Yeah, thanks. Well, how 'bout you? Why are you still in Class A? Knowing you, you won't take a year to reach that Class S spot." He asked, raising a brow at me.

I just shrugged at him and switched my gaze back to the TV. "I have lotsa reasons. Number 1 is that I forget to report my accomplishments. Number 2, I still have other jobs. And number 3, my latest reason, is because you're still below me. When I learned that you decided to become a pro hero, I thought it'll be a good idea to rise up to Class S together. I'm lying low in fighting monsters so I'll stay in my rank while you catch up." I told him.

I didn't hear any response from him so I peeked over my shoulder to see him looking weirdly at me. We stared at each other for a while before he shook his head with a smile and ruffled my hair. "H-Hey! Cut it out!"

"What a lame excuse." He chuckled lightly and went back to watching the news. I felt my lips tug up at the corners before turning my gaze back on the TV.

I heard footsteps draw near us and I figured Genos finished the call, but I was watching, so I ignored him. "Master, the monster you defeated on your way home the other day called itself one of the 'Seafolk', right?" He asked.

I kept my gaze on the TV as the reporter began talking. "Several monsters calling their selves the 'Clan of the Seafolk' have appeared in City J and are attacking anyone in sight. A Class A hero is seen fighting them all alone and is on the brink of death."

A frown crossed my lips when I saw the familiar back of a hero facing four fishy monsters. It didn't go unnoticed to me how his shoulder go up and down in labored breath.

"His extreme fatigue and pain are apparent. A prompt response from the Hero Association is desperately needed. The threat level is Tiger. All citizens are asked to stay out of the area."

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